bob vega

I can see a Gymhkana video doing just that

Pretty sure I saw this scene in I N C E P T I O N

I drive a 1 ton diesel pickup.

I don’t know how many times I have to tell the extended members of my husband’s family:

i really hate that cadillac is trying to chase down the germans and trying to compete against the likes of AMG or the M-Sport division... caddys are not about being fast, that’s not what made them great. what made them great was that they were unabashedly comfortable! they were huge, and pillowy!

Oh, my goodness. I now see it. Wow. I need coffee.

sheesh, sounds like my fucking Volvo...

Are we not already crash test dummies for every jackass who gets behind the wheel of a car? Maybe a new teen driver or a 90 yr old man who can barely see?

So people suddenly become involuntary potential crash test dummies just for the sake of a company like Uber making money?

Welcome to philosophy 101, where questions are never answered.

If you are killed by an autonomous Uber car, does that mean you got free rides for life?

Now she is part of history. Like the first farmer eviscerated by a threshing machine. The first child sucked in while threading an industrial woolen mill. All of the test pilots lost at the dawn of the sex toy industry.

True story

Long bed or go rent a UHaul.

I should buy an old truck.

free hot fudge, what’s not to like?

Very salient point! Thanks for that.

“We are in story telling mode right now”

To me, those pilots’ reactions sound more like. “Holy shit, I managed to track that bird/plane/Pinto!” than “Damn, look at that UFO.”