bob vega

So much better. What were they thinking?

The shop is no place to f around. Leave childish games at the playground.

“We’ve discussed in the past why this is—the too close for comfort to the Boxster’s nose, front suspension,”

Holy shit that dinosaur just chopped off his head

This is one of those where keeping it pinned saves it

Some people prefer to do things the hard way. He felt illegit without a rotary. Like he sold out. His car wasn’t real af. It’s just the way people are. Why do some of us choose to rebuild a worthless pos rusted money black hole from back when steel wheels were high performance. Spending more money than a new exotic

Oh so just because someone votes for Trump that means they’re crazy and should be locked up in a psychiatric ward? So what should we lock up half the country just because they don’t think like you? You know who else did that? Yeah Hitler. Your hate and subjective intolerance are clearly projecting. Don’t get me wrong

Car enthusiasm is a lot more sinister than perceived by the senses. There is a dark side. Like convulsing from laying in a diesel puddle without food for 13 hours in hundred degree heat. Or hearing birds chirping at dawn realizing it’s Monday already again. Neglected homes, jobs. Decimated budgets. Almost similar to

Must be really nice to have so much free time to go sit at an intersection in a lawn chair for months with a stop watch. Filling enough reams of paper to obtain an accurate average of yellow light times.

German engineer. I know let’s take this already diabolically complex machine with: interference+v shape block+variable rate dohc+infinite pulleys, tensors and sensors+one vulnerably flimsy rubber timing belt directly exposed to the oil leaks of millions of tiny little orings. Now since we know that rubber and oil are

That’s me

Rich ones can

I think the Toyota minivan of the time had those same wheels. Also this car would look great lowered with deep dish wheels and a lot of offset or is it very little offset? I never know. It’s the ones that stick out a lot. Make for a really good drift car.

A razor blade on mirror is mainstream decades late. Now dope’s cut with credit card on a smart phone screen.

Military is out of control. That’s a problem. I’m going to solve that. I’m so good at problems.

Ironically free-trade legalized slavery and loopholed wall street corporations out of stringent environmental regulations

The wealth of the american worker redistributed to communist peasants. How generous. Who won the cold war?

You just know it’s higher strung.

I would guess from the sound or the smell of the exhaust.

Globa free trade is a pyramid scheme designed to concentrate all wealth in the hands of the rich. Just like every other econo/political structure that has ever existed.