
Save your money, if you want to donate then donate to the humanitarian charities trying to get people out and food and shelter in. Even when Russia is kicked out, The Ukraine is devastated and will not have an aircraft industry, nor much of anything to fly out, for a long-long time after. They are facing a generation

I think buying Ssangyong for $224 is a much better deal than donating $5 billion. 

The official explanation is that the aircraft was parked and undergoing repairs with an engine removed.

Lets agree to disagree.

those are geometrically perfect or something like that

I like those. Same as early Porsche 928's and early Countach’s styling. They kind of work for me.

I disagree but when I was an Alfa Romeo salesman I met quite a few people who shared your opinion. It's a wild design. I can understand that it may not be to everyone's liking. 

how dare you.


Unpopular opinion:

I’ve never liked this Ford Focus wheel:

7 spokes

Haha... all you fox body stans remember this bullshit?

Forgot about these awful CRX wheels:

These might not be the actual worst, but relative to the cost of the vehicle they come on, it would be hard to do worse.

Always thought these were hideous.

Subaru Forester snowflake wheels. Looks bad with the different number of spokes and lug nuts.

Anyone else really tired of the “two-tone” “diamond-cut” wheels?
They don’t look classy or sporty - just like you tried too hard, without knowing what you’re doing.

It’s the 4-door Charger cop car wheel:

This awful CRV wheel. Ugh.