
Grumpy jeep eyes!

Rolling stops are endemic; a system of roads that should be designed better.


To a man with a hammer everything looks like a nail. To a man with a gun everything looks like a threat. These people feel the need to have a gun with them all the time because deep inside they are just scared little children.

An armed society is a polite society! Look at this upstanding citizen politely disputing another road-user’s signalling and lane discipline.

Headlight controls in modern Volvos. Volvo engineers know better than you. They know how much light you should have. The dial is just there for show.

Who cares about power? Styling I can understand, but nobody buys these bikes for the power. They buy these bikes to idle them on their driveway and annoy all the neighbours; occasionally the cosplayer can ride their HD to a café where the bike can be revved a bit more to annoy the café patrons and make them notice the

The law is beneficial on the surface, it was designed to prevent commercial traffic from spoiling the views and ambiance of downtown Chicago…

Put on some sweeping bodywork, and we can remake the Youabian Puma. But this time we can make it even biggerer. If it was 25 feet long, it would be the most impressive 2-seater in town.

Being an adult” is great, but 95% of adults think that they’re above-average drivers. Every single adult reading Jalopnik has, at some point, done some dangerously stupid driving (including me). Giving them free rein on a road with lots of other innocent drivers is not a great idea.

Others are angry that Serbia’s populist government would allow a foreign company to exploit Serbia’s resources.

I’m not going to condone this, but sometimes folk are short of money, and their tired old car needs some work, and they’re scared of paying extra for a tow truck to come to their home...

Has any other mass-market carmaker ever offered such a wonderful lighting option right from the factory?

Obvious candidate for an LS engine swap.

It wouldn’t work for me personally - I mostly use my van for 400 mile weekend roundtrips, so a diesel van dovetails nicely with an electric commuter hatchback, in a 2-car household - but I’m sure there are lots of other people out there who would love it.

Why would a vaccine mandate cause such a dramatic shortage of truckers? We’re a couple of years into a pandemic, and vaccines are widely available. The service wrapper is pretty mature too; if you want a vaccine, it’s easy to go get one.

You wouldn’t use a Cybertruck to carry fencing and gravel. That’s what conventional pickups are designed for.

I “reserved” a B1 when they were first announced. Since then I’ve gone through 5 real cars (3 Volvos, a Mini, and my wife’s GLC). In 2022 I’ll probably buy another real car whilst I’m still on the waiting list for another bit of shiny 4x4 vapourware.

Sadly, the fashion police don’t have jurisdiction in Texas.