Obviously the driver gets most of the blame, but I’m amazed that so many people think “This is a crossing with no signal or lights” is normal and OK. If there were better safety measures, there would be fewer crashes.
Obviously the driver gets most of the blame, but I’m amazed that so many people think “This is a crossing with no signal or lights” is normal and OK. If there were better safety measures, there would be fewer crashes.
The Datsun 620 is a dapper little truck that looks good from every angle. According to Hagerty, nearly half of buyers treated it like a car, never using it for truck stuff.
NIMBYs always rely on a connection to a general problem to in order to block a specific development. Parking is an important factor in cities, so you can’t trivially brush away objections to new housing based on parking, and if you do get down in the details to rebut their claims, you’re still fighting on their terms.
Don’t you have to show government ID to get on a plane? (In most parts of the world, that would be a passport). And it leaves a paper trail, too. If the authorities want to know where you travelled, what card you used to pay for the flights, and who else you bought a ticket for - they can find out easily.
There’s a very dangerous snake in Southern Africa, called the Black Mamba. Well, there are different varieties with different coloration, but everybody calls it the black mamba. Scary stories spread - everybody knows somebody’s friend’s uncle who was chased and bitten and died within minutes. In reality, it’s not a…
It’s perfect for an engine swap, but why be predictable? Put in the drivetrain from a BMW i3. It’s super compact, easy to fit in there. Enrage all the purists and you can still have a pretty car that’s practical to drive.
That really is a great detail on Peugeot’s website. Well done! I came here to post that :-)
California has a system to upload and have all the paperwork reviewed in advance, then you just have to go in and have them check that you have physical copies of the documents you uploaded.
That’s bad driving, but also bad road design. Look at those big open spaces and the gentle curve - it’s encouraging people to drive very fast - but there’s no barrier, nothing to stop people hitting bollards & poles at high speed. Either slow the road down, or add a barrier, or even just reshape kerbs, to save lives.
Now that we’re in the 21st century and it’s suddenly illegal to sleep in a tent on the ground, why not get a Volvo? Sleep in that glorious big boxy compartment. Who needs roof tents?
It’s also worth noting that Jaguar was meant to have an all-electric XJ out by now
If it’s remote, and if it handles small volumes, that increases the cost of business. Not everything is a conspiracy; if you think you could run a viable business with lower prices, go ahead and try it!
I live in a flood-prone area. Most people move their cars to higher ground when they get the flood alert, but there’s always somebody who doesn’t make it. Most of the flooded cars are beyond economic repair, but it’s not completely impossible to dry out the electrics &c and the engine is usually viable if it wasn’t…
If you live in a jurisdiction where the vendor can print out a form with a price and get you to sign it, then the vendor later says “lol nope, we increased the cost, and since the new costs aren’t on the form you signed, you don’t have any consumer rights”, then maybe that jurisdiction needs better consumer-protection…