
My first proper bike was something like this:

When an organisation fires an employee for doing something bad, it implies the organisation didn’t train the employee or didn’t have systems in place to stop the bad stuff. Mature organisations leave a paper trail, and some organisations might worry that - although they got rid of the bad employee - a victim might

Police work isn’t all about shooting people. Police work also includes talking to victims and witnesses and vulnerable people; filming all those interactions automatically would have bad outcomes for other folk. There is no answer that’s simple and perfectly just.

* Ancient engine with questionable metal-fatigue
* Pistons the size of VWs
* 30lbs of boost
* Human limbs very close to the block.

Amazing project, but what if it throws a rod, or a hose splits? I salute whoëver is brave enough to test-drive it first. :-)

On paper, truck charging looks like an obvious focus in western Europe. Truckers have driving time rules that require long breaks, trucks will need a while to charge, so deliver a network of charging points and that will also bring other new revenue (ie truckers buying pies or paying for a quiet, secure overnight

Pro tip: If you simply let the power steering fail, you get an awesome upper-body workout!

cycling extremists


In practice, the safety systems don’t actually try to do anything that dramatically impairs safety.

Well, they are a safety measure. In Sweden they’re usually located in places where speed has been a factor in previous crashes. Surprise alone isn’t a great solution, it’s worth having some signs that highlight the riskiest places.

I don’t know who to trust. The road safety experts who say it’ll dramatically improve safety, or the people who call themselves “enthusiasts” but are primarily worried that it’ll be harder for them to break the speed limit.

The land of “I can’t drive 55"? :-)

Good spot. Those Mafacs are glorious.

I told you, honey, I listed it on Craigslist. It’s not my fault nobody else appreciates the zenith of 1980s engineering. I may as well enjoy driving it until somebody offers $10k...

Mitsubishi? Cars, trucks, tanks, lots of heavy equipment that’s painted yellow, trains, ships, forklifts, planes, rockets...


Why would you pay extra for a CD player and heated seats? You’re not being chauffeured. Everything you need for an adventure is already there.

Cars like this are more likely to be distress purchases. You and I, dear readers, we consider ourselves Car People, we’d spend a lot of time planning the purchase of something that meets our special requirements (often so special that the best match is found after a 6 month search, rusting in a shed 1000 miles away)