
In Europe the garbage truck drivers aren’t the bottom of the hierarchy - they work for local government (or for an outsourcing business which works for local government) so there’s some accountability; if they behave badly then local politicians will be all over social media saying “We must stop these terrible drivers!

Got to love that Club Of Four truck cab:

In the 1980s, Marcello Gandini designed a car for Lamborghini which looked like the zenith of 80s supercars, the very essence of a poster on a teenager’s bedroom wall, it was a pure wedge - but, bizarrely, Lamborgini wanted to tone it down a bit, thought the design was too wedge and had too many pop-up headlights, and

I’m a little hesitant about renaming Schwedenkreuz. There’s a real historic cross already there; “renaming” the corner means that in practice people will give it two different names and both would have a solid basis. But as far as I can tell, Fuchsröhre is a much more recent informal kind of nickname...

The car industry overall has too many separate brands - it needs more consolidation and economies of scale. Whilst I love the new electric startups like Bollinger, 20 years from now some of them will have failed and the ones that succeed - churning out millions of electric cars - will probably do it under the umbrella

You need a Horch 930S. It has a built-in sink!

Yes. Let them choose whichever vehicle best suits their needs for this government contract; don’t rule out vehicles from a manufacturer that specialises in vehicles for government contracts.

enthusiasm that was only slightly diminished by the fact that Oshkosh Defense, which was awarded the mail truck contract, also makes machines of war.

That’s a beautiful car! It’s probably still running, too...

I should never have sold this Landcruiser. It was amazing. I treat my cars hard and put them away wet, but a 70-series will tolerate a lifetime of abuse and it’ll still look great.

That would be awesome!

Yes, but more importantly, can we get a camper extension for a Smart?

Attitudes to consumer rights have shifted over the years (perhaps moreso in Europe than in North America). Twenty or thirty years ago, many officials could have pointed and laughed at somebody who believed the large print and didn’t read the small print which contradicted it; nowadays it’s much more likely that

The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away. Tesla intentionally say “Full self-driving capability” in big bold letters, then at the bottom they hide some smaller text which says, indirectly, that it’s not actually full self-driving.

Axial is wise. But there are so many expensive historic Italian bike brands! Don’t forget Wilier, or Cinelli, or 3T. Plus Campagnolo mechanical bits, of course.

That would be beautiful!

+1 for the obscure tri-geek reference. Well done!

Porsche might have big markups on a lot of things - I’m sure you can spend more on a carbon-fibre cupholder than most people spend on an entire Honda - but those bikes aren’t actually super-expensive, compared to other premium bikes. I’ve spent more than that on a bike which doesn’t even have an electric motor (or a

I’ll contribute to the costs but only if you do an in-depth review of 1970s Soviet moonbuggy technology when you get there. Possibly with an LS1 swap. The surface of the moon must be like the world’s coolest junkyard of abandoned space-tech, by now. Let Torchinsky play with the lights and antennae, he’d love it.

Yes. If the database entry doesn’t match the car they’re looking at, flashing red light on the computer, shortly followed by flashing blue lights on the police car. It’s surprisingly efficient. Ditto for driver licenses or insurance or taxes or tolls; there’s not much point in trying to forge a piece of paper when