In many parts of the world, including Switzerland, public roads are pretty quiet due to Covid-19 restrictions. It’s been a golden age for cycling.
In many parts of the world, including Switzerland, public roads are pretty quiet due to Covid-19 restrictions. It’s been a golden age for cycling.
Not every brand needs to be special. They can’t all be luxury or sporting or cheap or innovative self-driving electric hovercraft. Chrysler should be the “Yeah, that’s a normal car” brand.
Everybody’s already talking about the snooping and censoring, but there’s another thing to consider: The Russian economy is in deep trouble and the Putin era has seen a long list of grand projects which are promised then delayed then whittled down then quietly disappear. Roscosmos is no exception. So, Sfera probably…
The CLS looks like somebody accidentally left a plastic model on the windowsill on a sunny day.
I bought a new roller blind for my kitchen 4 weeks ago, and now the world’s most sophisticated AI thinks I want to see adverts for more roller blinds, all day, every day.
Look, I don’t want to be the shooting-brake obsessive (that’s a very high bar on Jalopnik, there are hundreds of people more obsessive about shooting brakes) but the Alfa SZ could have made a great shooting brake.
No, but this article is about an easy-to-implement tax on something that’s a very close proxy for emissions.
Progressive taxation is a fine principle, but progressive taxation alone won’t solve all problems - there has to be a Pigovian element too (ie tax the things that have negative outcomes for society as a whole). Most folk are morally comfortable with taxes on cigarettes and alcohol, for instance, because their…
If only there was something we could tax easily and accurately - without so much potential for misreporting - which is a function of weight and mileage. And which is also greater in dirty inefficient vehicles.
Nice gatekeeping!
I feel sorry for the younger generation. Every teenager makes mistakes and asks stupid questions and hangs around in the wrong places. Every teenager experiments with building a completely different persona which is just embarrassing ten years later. But now that’s all recorded for everyone to see, forever.
We want to radiate even more premium and not appear quite so playful.
Some collectors pay a fortune for misprinted stamps or mis-struck coins - the idea is that they’re rarer, and maybe they also have more of a story.
On a purely technical level, it may not be enough, but if you have a famous name then suddenly it’s a lot easier to get other partners onboard, like suppliers and sponsors.
Went on a family camping trip to France. It was a big family-oriented campsite with lots of private roads far from traffic, and for some reason there were dozens of German teenagers getting lessons from their parents. My dad said, at the time, that the German driving test was notoriously tough and needed lots of…