Alas! The “Kolos” name is already taken.
Alas! The “Kolos” name is already taken.
Bloody autocorrect. That’s “Bechdel” not “Bechtel”. Sorry.
Agreed. The plot isn’t oscar-winning stuff, but it’s no worse than the horde of witless superhero films. It’s never goïng to pass a Bechtel test, but at least the female lead can *do* stuff. Meanwhile the soundtrack and the cast are perfectly chosen, and it’s good high-tech eyecandy. With or without Ducati.
Some teams have lots of money, which is an advantage. Stopping them using wind tunnels misses the point - they’ll spend more money on something else, like cutting-edge CFD (and perhaps they’ll find a way to validate their CFD with real wind tunnel testing of a shape which is not actually an F1 car but shares lots of…
Stunt Car Racer: Proof that good gameplay is more important than lifelike graphics.
Everybody here mocks the idea of a car as an appliance, but the Nissan Micra is an appliance in a good way. It just works. You want to go from A to B? Get in the car and turn the key and it just works. All the controls are where your hands expect them to be. It doesn’t make strange noises, it barely sips fuel, there’s…
The most Jalopnik answer is a brown Volvo shooting brake:
It is very hard to hit very high speeds on Italian motorways. If not hard, then dangerous. It’s not the Autobahn. If you’re doing 200km/h when somebody just in front of you pulls out to pass a truck at 100km/h, then lives are endangered; it doesn’t matter how many horsepower (or sharp angles) your Lamborghini has.
If I was 12 years old, this would be my favourite car in the whole world. Chrome! Fluorescent! Pretend missiles! Acres of rubber! It even has chunky bash-guards behind the rear diff and rear lights, for all those times you’ll go offroading in reverse.
You can’t put a full-size socket set in your pocket, so in terms of things you can actually put in a pocket, my top priorities are:
You did a better job than Schulz-Tuning!
It would make a great camper!
I love it. These will never go out of fashion.
This is a genuinely clever and innovative design. Obviously an advertising agency did this, not Land Rover themselves.
Armrests. That’s what bikes need; armrests. And a giant cross, obviously.
We all love to joke about reckless bikers becoming organ donors, but - this post mostly being about pedantry - I have to disagree. It’s very rare for bikers to become organ donors, because when the big day happens, they tend to die on the roadside or shortly after, in a way that disqualifies them. In most developed…
Here’s a tip for the pedants: Forget about the distinction between a “bike” and a “trike”. If you really want to be a purist, you’d refuse to use an ugly Latin-Greek hybrid; “bike” is a contraction of “bi” (from Latin) and “cycle” (from Greek). Of course a purist cyclist would only ride a dicycle. Prove your…
Rick Rolle is wise.