Fiesta-based small pickup!
Fiesta-based small pickup!
Klein bikes. Bring back Klein bikes. This doesn’t answer the original question, but the bike market has a lot of similarities to cars, and Jalopnik is the home of engineering digressions and long-dead brands, damn it.
Every Bronco article must contain at least one reference to Romancing The Stone.
Modern cars are very safe for car-to-car collisions, so that compensates a little for cellphone distraction. Even if the child isn’t in a modern child seat, there are other layers of safety like ABS, crumple zones, airbags, and more subtle features of interior trim (like the minimum radius).
This promenade was closed to traffic, so it was full of pedestrians when the attacker drove a truck through it. Did they have it coming?
How could we forget the Flying Pug?
I love that hue of burgundy. Obviously the rest of it is an abomination, but I might go out and buy a better car in that shade of burgundy.
All the Jalopnik car-geeks like to focus on the tech detail, but planning production sites and supply chain is one of the hardest parts of mass-producing cars, and it’s what gives existing businesses a big advantage over startups.
My heart! My heart aches to see them!
This pushes all the right buttons for Jalopnik. Quirky old cars! Adventure! Using quirky old cars in situations they’re completely unsuited to, then fixing them with cable ties and a shovel! Driving fast! (But not on a street surrounded by innocent people, that’s bad).
Whilst the rest of the industry was rushing headlong into high technology and big budgets, foley seems to have kept a gloriously contrarian hipster æsthetic for a long time. I love it.
Rollover stresses are a function of mass, velocity, and surface topology. Land Rover may have no control over the shape of the hillside that you make your mistake on, but they engineered the Defender so that it wouldn’t be going fast at the time, and half the parts would drop off or flail around if you turned it…
Some cool people have written much cleverer replies to my comment, but sadly Kinja won’t let me see them. You are wise, mysterious unclickable internet people. Truly wise. Wherever you are. I wish I could click on the little star-icons. If only Kinja actually let people reply to each other on the internet.
Well, yes, the nuclear waste and the bleak postindustrial towns and the remote 5-acre farms that keep elderly farmers on the brink of poverty. But mostly the nuclear waste. :-)
I thought Cumbria might have been a type of cucumber, but no, it’s a place in England. That makes more sense I guess.
Many years ago, Pizza Hut had an unlimited ice-cream deal. “All you can eat”, it said. They probably didn’t worry too much about losing money to gluttons because Pizza Hut is full of people who eat pizza first.
If it’s an actual work truck, and not a drive-to-the-office-and-maybe-take-the-kids-to-the-lake-next-weekend truck, why not single cab? Most work trucks have one occupant, maybe two occasionally, and the rear seats become inefficient storage for a few tools and a jacket. Losing the rear seats means much more room for…
This is good Jalopnik.
If you only care about the numbers, just go buy a more mainstream Ducati and some upgrades. This is a bike for Aston Martin fans to broaden their collection. They can park it next to their DB5 and their Cygnet and their DBX and their David Brown tractor.