
Once upon a time, Mercedes had a reputation for making reliable & luxurious but slightly boring cars, and decided to shoehorn an enormous V8 into one of them, to make a car that’s more brutal than refined. That much is true. However, they did it in the 1960s, not the 1990s. They weren’t jumping on a bandwagon.

Lots of people are talking about putting the transmission in “Park”, but FFS, why would you park your car on a slope, with a dog in it, without also setting the handbrake? (OK, in the W220, it’s a pedal not a hand-lever. Whatever. Push the pedal when you park.)

This is just common sense. All those tools in your toolkit are good for fixing one problem each, except for maybe the wheel-wrench which can be used to (a) change a wheel AND (b) beat somebody to death in a roadside argument. Cash, however, can help you out of hundreds of different problems, including the problems you

Sadly not *all* the rest of the world. My local Toyota dealer say no, and Toyota Gibraltar flatly refuse to sell one in the EU. Importing from Australia (or South Africa) has its own difficulties...

Bring back the 70-series!

I love the passive-aggressive gesture. This pedestrian is my hero.

Dirka is wise.

I already worry about Russian hackers using my smart-doorbell or smart-fridge to DDOS an oil refinery somewhere. Why would I want them to use my car too, whilst I’m driving it, and potentially vulnerable to some kind of road-DDOS at best or a crash at worst?

Give it a few years, let it mature, let there be a massive

In the good old days I had a Volvo with an elaborate “cruise control” system which pretensioned a throttle control cable; when the system failed, the main symptom was that the cable would snag and the engine would abruptly decide to rev up to the redline. I just pressed the clutch pedal until the cable shook itself

FCA now owns Jeep, so the best possible outcome is that our resident Jeep addict buys a Fiat X1/9 and takes it to Moab.

Is that a picture of an IWC watch on the wrist of his glove? Wow. I was surprised for a minute by the cool advertising idea, and then I felt like an idiot for never considering it before.

Meanwhile, in the rest of the world outside the USA...

Ffs. Lotus’ entire brand is “We make cars that begin with a letter E”, and now they’re making an electric car, and the best they can think of is “Evija”?

Cool renders, but when can I actually *buy* one?

I’ve made a couple of late-evening purchases. If the buyer has a busy life, can’t get out of the office until later &c., and if the vendor is really keen to catch that buyer and get a bucket of money from them... of course the vendor might work late one evening.

Missed opportunity! :-)

Needs more rally-breadvan-louvres. What could be more 80s? Louvres were pretty common on the vanilla BX. Just a shame they never shaped Citroën’s logo into them...