Chinese businesses are already exporting lots of small diesel pickups. Brands like Foton and Great Wall are very popular in the rest of the world, outside the North America / EU tariff fortress. They're much cheaper than a Hilux.
Chinese businesses are already exporting lots of small diesel pickups. Brands like Foton and Great Wall are very popular in the rest of the world, outside the North America / EU tariff fortress. They're much cheaper than a Hilux.
Both wagons and pickups are good at hauling stuff.
I dislike Truck Nutz and the whole mindset around them, but supporting a cancer charity is unimpeachably a Good Thing.
Do it. Do it. You know you want to.
They were doing their jobs.
The drunk-driving theory is pretty popular around here, but let's not to be too quick to rule out insurance fraud:
Sorry. I am an awful person.
I name my cars after ladies that I have known (or at least flirted with). Sorry. This makes me a terrible person. For instance:
Part of that is in thanks to Fiat quality control. Not putting a car for sale until it's ready. Focused more on making a good product and launching it when it's ready vs just meeting target dates and we'll fix it later.
I'm sure the fanboys love their lightweight little sportscars, but that's not sustainable; it's a tough market and there are lots of more successful competitors.
That looks so awesome.
There are several other similar rallies. Or you can do it independently.
There are quite a few similar rallies which start in Europe and head off into Asia or Africa. It's great fun, and very accessible. You should do it.
This reply deserves more stars. All the stars.
Risk and blame aren't boolean. There are many risk factors and most serious accidents involve more than one failure. Maybe a few % might go to the gearshifter design, but most of it can be assigned to the driver; driving into a train takes a bit of effort and there's more than one chance for a driver to realise that…
I'm lazy, but I learn from things that have broken before. If a fault is completely new to me, or if I tried and failed to fix a similar problem before, then it probably goes to a (professional) mechanic who has more patience than me.