
Not all international trade starts or ends in America. I agree that the embargo is damaging and pointless, but cars are made in lots of other countries too, and major carmakers already use efficient international supply chains with car-carrier ships.

Meh. Call that comfort? I'm currently selling this for half the price. Those rear seats are 6-axis adjustable, ventilated & heated leather. And of course the Citroën doesn't have double glazing or other such luxuries...

Think about it from a business perspective. Designing a new/upgraded aircraft is a huge, huge capital cost; the business has to assess that cost versus what they'll earn from selling the new planes. The more advanced new tech you put in, the more attractive it is to customers... until they see the price tag. So,

It's a standard thing for many court-issued fines - not just for traffic offences. The fine isn't a payment for some specific service, it's a punishment; so it's fairer that for any given offence a rich person would have a big fine and a poor person would have a small fine. The court simply decides to fine you X days

Yes! Although quite often it's an image thing, so the badge on the truck might be the same as the badge on the racer even when there's no connection at all between how/where they were built.

It's standard practice to peel off all your vinyl logos before selling a work vehicle - protects your reputation. In the worst case, vehicles resold with the original logos even get used for impersonation. This is why blue lights are removed from emergency vehicles before auction.

I don't know how this one was born, but at the time it was built the British military was very keen to buy lots of hookloader trucks, mostly to support artillery. The appeal is similar to containerisation - just load up a huge pallet with supplies and ammunition, take it cross-country to whichever unit needs the

If you really, really want a Bedford 4x4 there are (relatively speaking) lots of them cheap on the other side of the Atlantic - the Bedford MK (and the bigger TM) were the backbone of British armed forces in the 1980s and 1990s, and are now being sold off due to replacement by more modern trucks.

Driving standards may be consistently higher in Germany than in, say, the USA - but at such a high speed, you would have very little time to react if somebody pulls into your lane or if something else goes amiss. And all that extra kinetic energy is going to crush two or three vehicles, not just your own. I think it's

Any of the Big Three can benefit from hooking customers when they're young. Brand loyalty is incredibly valuable; those young professionals who buy something like a CLA might replace it with an E or an R when they have kids, maybe an S when the kids move out... maybe an SLK for the mistress...

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This is one of the best road safety ads ever made:

Good. Have fun. Bear in mind that:

For what it's worth, my S320 CDI L gets 40mpg (although those are British gallons). It's surprisingly cheap to run. The build quality is incredible, although that's offset by the sheer complexity - no matter how well engineered each thing is, there are more things that can break. Admittedly, most of that complexity

It looks like Hamilton's growing a circlebeard.

I managed to stick the sump of a (Europcar) Ford Fiesta on a pointy boulder in the middle of a game reserve, surrounded by fierce animals, miles from the nearest responsible adult (or cellphone coverage). That was an adventure.

They will not be the kind who buy invisible middle-of-the-line 4-door sedans because that's what their friends and neighbors buy, nor will they be those pitiful men/boys who buy cars and use them as falsies for fleshing out baggy jockstraps.

That would have gone a bit more smoothly if the driver had simply hit the suspension-lift button. It seems to be at the normal level. The W220 isn't exactly a G-wagen but it does have a magic button for extra ground clearance, which would stop you getting stuck halfway over an embankment.

They're relatively cheap to buy, and pretty rugged. Admittedly the ABC is expensive to fix, but offroading isn't what's going to break it, and ABC will give you extra clearance when you want it.