Fun fact: I, a lady, am responsible for introducing my brother - a musician - to a healthy number of his favorite bands, singers, etc. He has sent a few my way as well, but on the music discovery front, I’m doing fine on my own.
Fun fact: I, a lady, am responsible for introducing my brother - a musician - to a healthy number of his favorite bands, singers, etc. He has sent a few my way as well, but on the music discovery front, I’m doing fine on my own.
“Women find it very difficult at times to find music,” a totally credulous Jimmy Iovine said Thursday on CBS This…
Today, leeches are used to prevent blood clotting post-surgery
I’m so sorry this happened to you.
I’m so sorry that happened to you :( Sending internet hugs!
I was stumbling drunk and headed back to my room when a boy in my dorm pulled me into his room and threw me on the sofa. My reflexes were too delayed to even realize what was happening until it was already over. I actually said to my friends, “it wasn’t consensual, but I don’t think it was rape” because back then,…
If you’re really (really, really) interested in this stuff check out this paper.
“Yes” should be followed by “Are you sure?” A quickly uttered one-syllable word isn’t enough consent to then lead to penetration a second later.
We have all been there. I have lost count of the amount of times I have felt pressured into having sex. Yet (especially in the eyes of the law and society) I can’t claim that I have been raped each time, because grudging consent was given. I recently confronted my ex who repeatedly sexually abused me and he just…
It’s been about 8 years, but from looking at LinkedIn it seems like she’s living in her hometown and has a blog about fashion and music, which I know she loves. One way we had originally bonded was over our struggles with mental illness - I’ve had my depression managed (medically) for 10 years now, but she was…
The control-and-power thing makes it even scarier for me, because it says the desire to rape is a mental thing, a twisted, tangled, evil tumor that we can’t easily remove or treat. I almost wish it was about sex.
That kind of stuff really can be so gray. At what point does it go from rape to convincing the other person to reluctantly go through with it? That’s why I like the idea of teaching people not to have sex without “enthusiastic consent” from the other person. If the other person is too drunk or too unsure to be…
I mean they say the reason people rape is because of control and power, not sex. So it seems reasonable that the reason many women are so traumatized is because they were overpowered and forced to do something they didn’t want to do. There’s no way not to feel violated, whether it was penis-in-vagina rape or any other…
Digital Penetration.
You’re definitely correct here. She did even more damage than initially understood. I just feel like Erdely had no real interest in furthering sexual assault prevention or awareness. She just wanted to publish a story that would make her famous and be shocking. In my mind she would have written about the football team…
The thing I found most upsetting is that there were so many real stories of sexual assaults on campus that could have been covered. There are women with truly heartbreaking and rage-inducing stories that deserve to be heard. But, by all accounts, Erdely was obsessed with finding the most violent, degrading, disgusting…
I wrote this below but that’s what happened with my college roommate. She insisted it wasn’t rape and wouldn’t let us report it. I know she went to an off-campus counselor so the school wouldn’t find out about it, but still ended up dropping out of school and cutting off contact with everyone.
My freshman year roommate was raped at a party, but to penetrate the guy used his fingers rather than penis (not sure if there’s a scientific way of saying that). She was a virgin. She came in to our room crying and soaking wet from the rain with torn underwear in her coat pocket. I still remember her pleading with me…
If there’s anything hat makes my blood boil hotter than people who automatically dismiss sexual assault victims, it’s the people that say “if you didn’t know it was rape, then it wasn’t rape.”