
It’s going to be pretty funny when Trump eventually leaves (he has to right?) and he reveals he’s been secretly filming a reality documentary Office style at the white house. Except in this one it’s all Dwights, Angelas, Creeds, Ryans, and an occasional Kevin.

It wasn’t going to be food. Mostly guns, ammo, copies of the Art of the Deal in Spanish and vcr tapes of Trump rallies

If people were serious about addressing an existential threat to America we would call a mandantory all hands meeting at Fox for all their on air talent and executives and then seal the building.  We’ll tell them immigrants have surrounded the building and we need to keep them safe.  We can airdrop supplies to the

I’m surprised he didn’t suggest the reporter also eat healthy and exercise more.  Gotta set an example you know

it won’t be anything because it’s imaginary

not to mention she’s an immigrant from France

Run this same information by Republican politicians and this result would be viewed as positive thing and a feature not a bug.

so if conservatives get threatened and attacked it’s by the “left” and when the left gets threatened and attacked it’s also by the left.

They are already working on pop up briefing books. They found that as long as each scene has dinosaurs or rocket ships in it he’ll keep reading.

it’s not $2100 for all 5 people. It’s $2100 EACH.

not exactly. unless you’ve lived somewhere with 15 roommates and shared 5.5 baths, one laundry, and one tiny “lounge”

$2100 actual American dollars minimum to share one shower with 5 strangers and they’re not going to have a problem getting people to pay that.

I would ask him not to risk other people’s lives doing stupid stunts on public roads.  Go to a track, 

you can hang out at the far end of the probability curve for a while but eventually you fall back to the mean. Kinda fascinating to 3 games of bad decisions somehow happen in 3 drives like swallows coming back to Capistrano

having watched him play as an a Sooner in college I’d be more worried about what he’s doing now to celebrate.  Plenty of time for him to Manziel this away.

Well, someone has to start the uninformed speculation that it was RUSSIAN HACKERS or lack of regulation and corner cutting. Gotta be one of those right?

true story...

He must have thought the returner was gay, Muslim, atheist, liberal, French, or whatever else Liberty students are taught to fear and dehumanize and decided to bring the word (or helmet) of God to him.

The Dallas police department is already laying the ground work for her defense by saying she worked a full shift. Apparently being tired is an excuse for shooting people dead.

I had a modicum of sympathy for him until he pulled out the Trump/Cruz duo.