
Did it happen on a Thursday when the sun goes down? Does it involve using your special eyelash trick?

The trans women kicking off Stonewall thing is a myth, Jezebel. Sorry. Sylvia Rivera’s account was false and agenda-laden. It was actually a lesbian who went outside first and riled up the crowd yelling, “Aren’t you going to do something?!” while she engaged cops. So tired of this story being retold like it’s the

Seriously? Money, dude. Money.

I met Danny Tamborelli as he toured across the country in his van seeing shows and festivals. My friend and I got in his van, talked about Phish the whole time, while he smoked us up and gave us sushi. Apparently he spends his life now on Phish tour and other tours.

Not showing him the title, just the picture, I asked my boyfriend, “Would you say this woman looks sexualized in this photo?” He goes, “Duh, she’s doing that finger thing.” “Right?! Well, she’s fucking nine years old.” “THEY MADE HER LOOK 20. UGH. UGH GOD. I’M SICK.”

Rest of the piece: no. Last sentence: yes. This isn’t an article. Just say the last sentence somewhere and find something to coherently write about.

My best friend has herpes and her experience (I know bc I went with her for support) was so harrowing it makes me want to kill this doctor (I’ll explain). So, my friend, crying in the waiting room on my shoulder and scared shitless gets called into the room. They tried to prevent me from coming in but my friend

I'm 24 and childless so please feel free to ignore what I'm about to say. I totally feel you on this. Addiction has been a big part of my life since before I was even born, but that's not what I'd be more worried about in your case. Followed all your comments only to LATER discover that you never mentioned in the

Freezer, frozen to individually wrapped popsicles. I feel you, girl.

hey all you had was a speck so no complaints from you. I choked up so hard I had streams of tears rolling down my face. I then looked over at my sleeping boyfriend, cried AGAIN, then held him the whole night through feeling very thankful. (Can you tell I'm a weeeee bit emotional? Lol)

For breakfast I had a blueberry bagel with extra strawberry cream cheese. That morning I was to take a flight from Boston to Pittsburgh. The night before, we had done some heavy whiskey drinking. Now, because I’m deathly afraid to fly sober I get shit faced before any flight I take, even when in the mornings. So,

This was true artistry. I'm deeply moved. I spend my days around cops... I know the score. +1 for showing them what it fucking feels like.

if I get that much plastic surgery, can I stand up for fighting against perfectionism & patriarchal ideals, too?

Kewl post tho


UMM 15+6= 21...not 23... I think you'd get left at the altar, too.

Her marriage fell apart. I go from Khloe #1 to Khloe #2 when I'm stressed the fuck out, and it does not require working out. Given law school and such, I'm usually #2. Stress is fucked that way.

Easily my favorite. I wish you were my neighbor.

technically I said yes. He gave me a family heirloom ring made by his great grandfather that was platinum with five gorgeous diamonds, perfect. We were together 4 years, engaged for 2. He had moved from New England to be with me in both WV and PA. We met bc I had previously been in a relationship with his

L.A. judges are an absolute joke and stand apart from every other jurisdiction in the country. She will never be treated the way our clients are for her crimes, (cuz ours go to jail for long periods and then spend 2-5 years on max probation.) So, fuck her, fuck L.A. and it's bizarre legal bubble, and fuck the fact