
Ugh, by that time battery tech would have evolved and the market will be primed with great electric vehicles. Not only that, the Corvette will have been redesigned by then so you’re looking at a quarter mil+ for outdated tech, in an outdated body.

Amazon varies their pricing so that some certain items, like add-ons, are a little pricier than you would get at a B+M. In addition, they have an insane return policy. If auto dealers offer the same return guarantee, then the masses will flock to online buying.

Even though he may be wrong about ford, it does serve as a signal to other companies heavily outsourcing their labor to 3rd world nations on what his intent is if he gets into the oval office. Yes it does sound a bit over the top, but there is a serious problem with outsourcing which is driving the anger in middle

“But don’t put them in my neighborhood.”


The presidential Limo was the first Truck/Car mashup.

Or perhaps the small cars are getting bigger and the mid size is encroaching on full size territory. In which case, it makes more sense to get an SUV which is essentially a lifted large hatchback.

Welcome to 3rd world law enforcement. Where your first world rules do not apply.

Once you black, you don’t go back!

Helmets don’t work if you don’t strap it on correctly.

Is this the final edition or will there be another final edition?

unless you’re planning to purchase more than 20 gallons, it does not make sense to pay the toll to get to Jersey for a $0.50 savings per gallon.

Then you don’t understand what it’s like to be poor and desperate.

What if you’re a migrant worker being flown in to work in the construction sites and your entire life is in that bag? Whats Dubai’s record for helping migrant workers again? O right they abuse and exploit them.

Most of the passengers look Indian and I detect hints of Hindi or Bengali in there. These are most likely migrant workers shipped in to work in Dubai’s construction industry. For many, their suitcase is all they have in the world. Sure they may survive once they get off the plane, but what support network do you think

First off, it was the passenger that chased the boarder. Secondly, the driver ran a stop sign, knocked over a pedestrian and had the audacity to yell and honk at them.

It needs to be a hatch

Then your reaction is,”o It’s just another LS swap..”

What about that it does not have a completely flat bottom, more liken to an aero pod with 4 wheels?

To be fair, there were only 3 seconds between when the foam dropped to impact. I’m sure there are people who can avoid it in hindsight, but most would have done the same thing. The first second you’ll spend trying to judge which direction the foam is going to go, then you’ll try to avoid it at speed, then the last