Bob J Koester

And I guess she's his heir, right? I wonder when the subject of one of them marrying is going to be brought up by someone other than Littlefinger. Or by them together on a particularly cold night.

Hot Pie would have made that shit taste GOOD. And baked it into the shape of the Twins.

Plus he said he would be bringing ships, presumably from Dorne / Highgarden, so the size of the fleet makes more sense.

Probability that Jaime had sex with the Mad King: non-zero.

"Because he IS the One Who Was Promised!"

I think the whole Cersei arc is about feeling bad for human beings no matter what they've done to put themselves in bad situations.

Absolute last chance for some Dead Child Funeral Sex.

Hadn't thought of that. A new, nicer Walder Frey declares for House Stark!

I think that's right. She doesn't know he pushed Bran, and he missed out on the rest of the Stark killing, though he did wound Ned and killed Jory Cassell. Wow, just remembered back to when Jory's death seemed pretty shocking.

Made me think of Brazil.

I assume Varys showed up with the Tyrell & Dornish fleets. Seemed like way more ships than just Yara's and the surviving MasterShips.

And also that the choice of prostitutes has been thinning out between the Sparrows moralism and Joffrey's "have the prostitutes beat each other to death" policy.

There are lots and lots of Freys, I think. Walder Frey collected wives like Craster (though not from the same source, fortunately).

"I plan to show up once as many Boltons and Wildling as possible are already dead. And if you tell your half-brother about our deal, I will know, and you will not see me."

Yeah, people weren't with Ramsey because they liked or respected him. They just thought that supporting the Starks was a death sentence (and had some pretty reasonable grounds for thinking so).

Interesting. And if that's the case, it also would be important that Jon sell it and make it look real, which for him it was.

Especially given the social underpinnings of a medieval army. By sacrificing the cavalry, you're sacrificing the richest, most educated class of people who you would otherwise be using to help run your country. If he'd won the battle he'd have taken the North backwards into despotism and savagery. Which…was probably

Baelish-Stark-Bolton-Lannister? Here he wanted to be head of a great house, and he marries what may soon be the head of three of them.

Number of characters willing to dedicate their life to saving Ramsey: 0

Except maybe on the wrong side in the final dragons vs. zombies battle. Could come in handy if things are going to well and zombified Three-Three comes along and snatches a dragon out of the air.