Yeah - stick *that* up yer butt and smoke it!
Yeah - stick *that* up yer butt and smoke it!
ManchuCandidate’s was better...
In other words, he’d fit right in and the owner’s gonna want him *bad*! My money’s on the Browns taking him with the #1 pick - in spite of the fact - or perhaps *because* of the fact - he says he won’t play there. Hey, it’s the Browns - they’ve got to find *some* sure-fired way to eff it up!
You’ve got my vote.
I’m confident that I could do as well as anyone on the Browns - player, coaching staff, or owner! Just put me in there and watch me!
Actually, the Browns have *incredible* cap space. They can sweeten the pot, but they can’t sweeten the bottom line. Going back through the end of the 2015 season the Browns are currently 1-33. That’s absolutely unbelievable. You’d have to believe it’s intentional, but nobody could successfully throw that many games.…
What is it you’ve got against Sam Darnold..?
Yeah, well, that’ll be one year closer to retirement age, and one year less of crippling pain.
We’re getting to the prayin’ time of the NFL season. The games are nearly over and draft season is starting - and across this great nation football players are getting down on their knees, clasping their hands together, and saying, “Please, God - not Cleveland. Anywhere but Cleveland! PLEEEEZE!!!!” :-)
Yes - because if he was they’d be playing in tacky gold lame’ uniforms with red sashes, and a bad toupee on the top of their helmets. And they’d be wearing heels - SUCH BIG HEELS!!!
So they just need to win more, so they’ll lose, so...ooooh. I’m getting dizz-zzy! So...dizz-zz-zzyyy! Uh-oh - WHIRLIES!!!!!!!
If Trump tries to pardon his cronies before trial he can be impeached for obstruction of justice. And the president is barred from issues pardons for impeachable offenses. Besides which, Mueller is looking to have charges brought in *state courts* where Trump has no power to pardon. The president can only pardon those…
The Browns could find a way to screw up drooling.
“Peak Browns” is never reached. It’s a goal - it’s all about the journey - come to think of it, whatever happened to Steve Perry..? Eff it, it’s 7:30 in the morning - time to start drinkin’ ‘bout the Browns...
Trust me - it’ll go down like this:
But...but...but...those guys were NEVER worthy of being starters for the Browns! AND IMAGINE THE CAP SPACE HIT THEY WOULD HAVE TAKEN!!!!!
Dude - any Browns fan would trade the Haslams for the Spanoses in a heartbeat - AND we’ll toss in the front office *and* coaching staffs as well!
And fifth-round in-league QBs at that. Ah, well.