Bob Globule

He felt the pain of everyone but when he signed the paperwork then he felt nothing

More like a winky-eye suggestion

I disagree. I find it hypnotically weird.

You're Driving All Over Me

Is it true CA has an honor system whereby it's up to you to get new plates and some just drive forever without them? I read that somewhere.

a fifth?

A new series this Fall: Commersh, a dramedy starring Joe Isuzu, Geico Caveman, and Spuds Mackenzie who are transported into a world where all the commercials live.

Betty White is a goddammned national treasure and a fine woman!!


"As someone who was almost collected as a pet by several rich friends / their parents… its a thing!"
*record scratch* Whaaaa?!

Her reaction to being banned from vengeance made me laugh more than the fact that she was banned from vengeance.

The LaCroix home was built from 5,356,920 empty selzter cans which obviously was a huge mistake

I like how Stewart is always doing something other than watching The Grinder while Debbie is alternately transfixed and baffled by the show. The kids love it and treat it as gospel.

I think there needs to be a period of time that the squatters have been in the property in order to claim squatter status. Her critical mistake was letting them into the place before their check cleared.


In each universe, so like a hundred at least

Like that time she got so mad she smashed one of those what-do-you-call-its? A Kia Sorento!!

I dunno, i thought their house was pretty nice for their income level, and Carrie definitely had a thing for clothes. Maybe a depiction of working class living above their means?