
Is there an Android equivalent?

Thanks, Adam. I've subscribed to your YouTube account and their auto-captioning helped a little. But, with a little more work, you guys could have fully captioned videos on YouTube. I mention this because the auto-captioning isn't often accurate and often causes more confusion.

I really appreciate the videos, guys. But, being hard of hearing, I can't understand a word any of you say in the videos. Can you please add captions? I don't know what video software you're using, but it doesn't look like YouTube - as I believe I learned here, if you DID use YouTube, you could also use their will send you a postage-paid box to use to ship your old Cell Phone to them. After they get the phone, they send you a check. does this too.

@jupiterthunder: Really?? Wow, I don't feel so bad about being "stuck" at 2.1 now....

@Robert Dunseith: Thanks - I've looked there, too. I'm a little uncertain about which ROM to choose of the ones they list.

@Melde: Sorry, Melde - I was attempting sarcasm... ended up being facetious-ism (if that's a word). Chalk it up to my British lineage - dry sense of humor.

@Melde: Really? You mean T-Mobile Vibrant ISN'T the only model NOT getting updates? ;-)

@kjlowe: Heh... you're right - I don't have an extra $200-500 lying around to buy a Nexus. If I did, though, I'd be shoulder-to-shoulder with you, buying only Nexus.

I'm fed up with nearly every other Android phone getting upgraded to FroYo or Gingerbread while me and my T-Mobile Vibrant (US) languish away with Eclair.

Yep - their site's been "Gawkerized", alright....

I signed up for the pilot program probably on the day it was announced... maybe the day after.

Uh, two words: skin cancer....

Congratulations, Mr. Purdy, on the release of your new book! I can't wait to dive in.

@ryoshi: Ah, yes. A little bit of the ol' Ti Kwan Leep will get the point across when words fail to reach the goal.

@Seeräuber Jenny: I agree - it does need to be said with the appropriate sarcastic tone. And, isn't that ironic? :-)

One that bugs me is "I could care less." If you're saying you COULD care less, then you're saying you care very much about the topic.

I don't know when it started, but navigating to "Crap I Missed It" yields the following very disappointing message:

Good heavens! Does MoleSkine employ only models? All of these people look as good (or better) than their product!