
people still make games on snes nes genesis carts and for the dreamcast. It doesn't mean there's a huge market for the stuff though.

it's amazing that Sony is paying any attention to the psp. Does it still have a large user base of people who purchase games for it, or is it mostly people that play home brew/Roms they obtained through nefarious means?

I'm of two minds about this. I want to fault bandai namco for gouging people's wallets, but they're also one of the few 3rd party Devs who are actually putting out games on my beloved wiiu.

that's pretty damned cool. Thanks for sharing!

I know. I tried again after I posted that and didn't get the item not currently available message. Must've been too quick before.

they say it's no longer up for preorder already. :(

that game was horrible though. Tbf, the ps1 nostalgia is kicking in for a lot of kids who grew up during that blocky polygonal time.

the worst part of that particular phrase is the ones who use it arent expousing a new view and are usually regurgitating something they read somewhere once. Makes it seem like self loathing.

I can guarantee they will not do either for the foreseeable future.

but... They will be fine because they are nintendo. Funny how that works, isn't it?

microsoft and Sony have been posting losses for awhile now and no one is saying they're dead. I'm startin to think a certain sect of gamers will call death on anything if it's not littered with the games they want, mainly fps and sports games.

it sounds like nintendo has the japanese market pretty well cornered. Why do people always claim they're doomed?

don't care move on

if you didn't care you wouldn't reply sjw. Don't hate me because I don't like ethics in my videogame journalism. Hate me because I'm a transgender asexual who uses shim shehe and them for my personal pronouns! My emotional triggers are medication dragon kin and sausages. Don't judge

If you were calling it what it is, you'd call me a troll and move on. Instead you took my comment personally and had to project your feelings back onto someone else to make yourself feel superior again. It's cool champ, protect your feminazi friends.

I'm not anti gamer. I'm anti ethics in videogame journalism.

coming up in the comments section a 'serious' debate on "ethics in video game journalism" followed by a hearty round of angry letters sent to Intel.

once again bash brings the funny

thank you for providing a dissenting opinion without insult towards the opposition. In fact, after reason through your post I can agree with you in part. I still believe that off color jokes can be funny and that people should police themselves on the Internet, I can understand how kotaku could've hanfled this

and with the masterful discussion skills you've shown, no one believes you're more than twelve. Don't put yourself on a pedestal because you went to war, nobody forced you to. Now that you're home don't whine when people treat you like a normal person. Check your privilege. You "fought" in the halo wars for people to