
Can we notice that cops are writing tickets for disorderly conduct for manspreading?

Isn’t that the logic behind “broken windows” policing that everyone seems to hate?

It’s cool they caught him, but fuck this fascist Giuliani bullshit:

It usually takes the form of bags being strategically placed on the seat next to them.

I mean, great that they caught this guy, but focusing on these stories to the exclusion of how most of these kinds of stops go down is dangerous. The impulse to detain and demand papers from everyone who commits some minor violation on the off chance that there is a warrant out for their arrest has been shown over and

This is like the broken windows theory, with people who are guilty of being douchebags instead of minor crimes.

Trying to make month end quotas actually appears to do something good for once.

I feel the same way about boob size. Anything less than a D cup isn’t even worth batting an eyelash, amirite ‘tall lady’?

When it comes to Condé Nast conspiracy theories, Gawker Media’s tipsters have proven to be at least slightly untrustworthy. Godspeed you, Max Read, wherever you are.

I know height-shaming is not the ultimate kind of oppression, but... you’re kind of overdoing it, and I say that as a tall woman.

Dude, a bullet to the head didn’t stop her. You think your noodle arms are gonna do shit to her?

His 2 sisters moving to where they don’t have rights or the ability to get equal education.

Man, I had to call a guy for a job interview (I’m doing the hiring) and he picked up the phone and didn’t say a word. I pushed through, wanting to give the guy a chance. I set up the interview hung up and realized he never even asked for the address of our company. I told myself he’d probably just look up our website,

I could definitely take Malala.

You got it all wrong, Samer. You start with the most difficult kid to beat up. Not the easiest. Good lord man, I mean is this your first time beating up kids?? Jeez...

I’ll lay 18:1 to anyone who wants Samer against a professional soccer player.

“Minors whose ass I could kick, ranked” should be a regular feature.

But how many of your Gawker Media co-workers?

That may well be true, but I would guess that all of them know how to properly answer the phone.

I’ve only been discriminated against (that I know of) once in my life. Plus, it was really a strange sort of discrimination that was more confusing than it was harmful. I lived in Miami for a short time. The area I lived in was primarily Cuban and Spanish was the predominant language in the neighborhoods. I had very