
You do know the trillion for the 35 is for the over-all cost for the aircraft? the entire 50 or so years that it’s going to be used? The plane will be fine. The silent eagle cost what...120,000,000 per air frame, and Lockheed has finally gotten the F-35 below 100,000,000 per air frame? Do the math. It seems to me that

Silent eagles cost more per fighter than the F-35. Congress would never go for that. I believe Tyler has discussed this previously.

I believe it’s stealth tech was compromised considering its early retirement. That’s the only explanation i can come up with.

You fucks can’t get enough of this site! Why even bother if you hate us so much??? Spout your bullshit elsewhere if it gets your rocks off. There are plenty of places on the web besides this one to have a Russian circle jerk.

Yup, right on buzz. This story would make an excellent war movie. I’ve only heard little tid-bits here and there about the battle, but nothing in depth as this.

More F-22's will never happen. Drones are the future of air combat there is no doubt, and we’ve already got a pretty good idea it on how we will utilize them. F-35 will act has the mother ship, controlling Drone missile and bomb trucks. Don’t forget about directed energy weapons also. I personally believe the F-35 blubbering idiot

Keep living under our defense umbrella, troll. If you hate us so much petition your government to get rid of our bases in your country. Since you seem to think we are the reincarnation of Nazi Germany.

No doubt buzz.

Oh jesus again?

Lol, I know right? That guy is a real piece of work.

I went through six of them.

Please stop with the murica bullshit. It’s cliche’ at this point.

This is also a gawker media site guys. You’re gonna get USA haters.

No, we just remember desert storm and shield for what it was. You obviously know very little of the ramifications prior to the start of the first gulf war.

Jesus Christ...You bleeding hearts need to buck up a little bit. Hopefully you don’t live in my country. Saddam was actually far worse than the old pope you brought up.

Oh my god. Saddam committed genocide against the kurds. Did you forget that part? That’s just one of many, many reasons he needed to be dealt with.

It wasn’t just for civilian use. Look up the Geneva convention on this specific topic.

Get over yourself. It’s war. This happens. We did what had to be done the safest way that we could. I guess we could get all the world leaders around a campfire to sing kum-ba-ya for you? Hate the evil imperialist, capitalist pigs do you? Do you think we actively target civilian population centers? If so, you are dead

Now though, it’s just to late. That’s why in my earlier comments i stated to let them have it. I’m trying to explain myself without walking over my feet...