
How is Jerome Bettis, a guy who made is HOF career ‘power running’ up the middle and got a number of concussions, somehow more eloquent than our current president?

The ‘appeal’ such as it is, is that the league does a shitty job enforcing the rules on the books. Which means that if a player on team A takes a run at a player on team B, team B’s only recourse is to target the player from team A to discourage his shitty play (because the ref’s won’t stop it).

Sweet, sweet Canadian salt.

‘out of a quite frankly crappy Eastern conference’

This, a thousand times this. I get the need to feel hopeful, but... yeah. Incumbents just don’t lose. Sorry folks.

Your comment cannot get enough stars

I honestly consider him the best announcer in any sport.

Ugh. He’s ‘celebrating’ his first 100 days in my hometown and I’m sure people will be lining up to see him. ... I just don’t get it.

Is El Presidente is looking physically worse the last week or so, or am I imagining it?

For real. Keuregs are for people who can’t do math.

God damn right. I automatically deduct 10 smart points from each person I meet who has a Keurig.

Dear Lord that’s a lot of words about who-gives-a-flying-fuck-what-the-hell-is-a-pewdiepie?

honest question, because I think of such things.I have a basement. Should I line the ceiling of said basement with some sort of metal? Aluminum foil? Steel plates from joist to joist? If so, any recommended thickness? I’m on a budget...

ding! ding! ding! We have a winner.

that and the booze

I half suspect their longterm plan with the driverless fleet really is to sell/lease their tech+IP to an established automaker for hopefully a profit.

That and as AV tech seeps into the general market place, we’ll all be looking for something to do with our driverless Teslas while we’re at work. Hooking them into an

For what is it is worth, I show you current comment no. 1 of 32,526 on the main Breitbart post: