He couldn’t handle so many unicorns-per-choochoo when McLaren’s it’s-a-turbo-McVTEC-yo technology kicked in.
He couldn’t handle so many unicorns-per-choochoo when McLaren’s it’s-a-turbo-McVTEC-yo technology kicked in.
Putin can speak fluent German so I don’t know why he didn’t just tell that joke in Germ......ohhh right.....
Sadly, my 2009 Accord with the 3.5L V6 gets about the same fuel economy as the new Ridgeline (21~22 mpg, combined). So....I might as well drive the Ridgeline, right?
Fiata Is Always The Answer
Not the first time an emergency brought a military jet to Bodø: http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/that-time-an-s…
college dumpster
Who knew Tesla Autopilot’s other feature is helping old people ride shiny and chrome to their eternal home?
$kay, Are you going to send Dale Jr a car delivered by a lovely lady?
Articles like this and the comments it generates are why I love Jalopnik.
Someone who goes by Turbineguy would call electric motor torque thrust. haha
I noticed the steering wheel is oblong and seems smaller than the Model S and X’s. I wonder if that’s also a subtle signal for Tesla’s transition to autonomous driving.
Russian driver crashing into a Kvass sign. If that’s not the most Russian dashcam video ever...
The problem with the CEL is it’s completely and utterly broken. Loose gas cap? CEL. Engine’s about to explode? CEL.
“This ball will help our people cook rice and heat their homes. The future for our country depends on nuclear energy. The world will see that our nuclear program is safe and peaceful!” - KJU
...and just for fun, if you use the EPA’s very rosy MPGe conversion factor of 1 MPGe ≈ 0.04775 km/kW·h, you get:
I ran some Model S equivalent MPGs using 8500 g CO2/gallon, and Singapore’s 0.5 g CO2/Wh figures.
Oh...lol. Whoops, that makes more sense. My interpretation sounded funnier tho.
Fly Tavarish out there and you guys’ll have all the cars running in under a week for less than a Honda Civic.
Confirmed: Aussie sailors are Mighty Car Mods fans.