Oh no, the evil vice president is using his position to short some stocks or something!
Oh no, the evil vice president is using his position to short some stocks or something!
We must be like a year away from a Crisis on Infinite Earths crossover episode, right? Of course, even if the ending of that remains intact, I'm sure Barry will come back to life in two episodes.
The position that if people want health insurance, they are going to have to take "personal responsibility", tighten their belts, and forgo all luxury goods is an odd position to take when proposing a health plan that only works if lots of people who don't really need it buy in.
Now that Cody has pointed it out, it is going to be very hard for me to not ask a bunch of questions about pickup artists at the next game theory conference I go to.
Human target mask
I don't know, I really related to Trump being excited about getting to wear a cool new jacket on a boat. He is really reaching out to us real Americans.
She has to protect her secret identity. She wouldn't want anyone to figure out that mild mannered Medusalith Boltagon, the queen of the inhumans, is also Medusa the superhero.
It seems hard to imagine a movie about the Guardians fighting Her and something that's clearly the Universal Church of Truth without at least some sort of Magus variant unless marvel doesn't own the rights to the character.
Its not a real x-men thing until there's are like 3 guys with really stupid accents and catchphrases.
He was robbed of the oscar he deserved for the direct-to-video cartoon Batman Beyond Return of the Joker.
They really undercut the many other mature adult themes of comic books about people making big boxing gloves using the emotional electromagnetic spectrum.
I just hopes this makes it to seasons 3 and 4, which I assume will be entirely about a really annoying guy comic relief guy who follows Damon Wayans and Clayne Crawford around for some reason.
Star-lord and his one true love, Kitty Pryde?
It came out a week before Batman Begins 2.
USA buying the syndication rights to Modern Family, ordering a million half hour comedies, and then calling an audible like a month later will never stop being funny.
FXX exists because fox lost the rights to soccer and needed something to replace the Fox Soccer Channel with, right? (which is also why a bunch of cable providers were pricing it like a niche sports channel)
The illusive man 100% has one of those frog emojis in his twitter name.
I just hope that this Spawn spin-off series can lose the rights to a character who will then be sold and poorly integrated into the MCU to spite Todd McFarlane.
But fortunately if Rey exhausts all of Poe or Finn's dialogue trees she can make them Jedi too.
Maryland's 3rd is the opposite of this (it was gerrymandered by the democrats).