
Dumb. Hypocrisy requires equivalence. If Chris Christie were in a position that required fitness standards and he flouted them and then required this guy to lose weight, then this would be hypocrisy.

Yes it’s exactly like the old cliche; “Pot calling the kettle fat..” Of course it’s humorous! You know why? The man he wants to lose weight is a Brigadier General, the type of individual who plans, and approves strategy. Not the grunt who is in the field with that rucksack you liked to bring into your argument for

No one can live forever and 90 is a cracking good innings. When someone dies naturally at an old age it seems odd to be sad, let’s be happy he lived and for how long he got.

The amount of people that have no idea how the US government works on a basic level (and when I mean basic I mean simplified to a degree to make it accessible to school children) is frightening. You still, STILL, here people make all sorts of claims about how President Obama is going to do this. And that's exactly how

That statement makes me want to run over people’s limbs with a lawnmower.

Why this incredible woman continues to saddle herself with that pile of garbage she calls a husband I will never know.

This.... This is good Kinja. Bravo.

You always think it’s bunnies. It’s never bunnies.

Realistically, I don’t have a chance in hell of bringing Yelp down, but I’m sure as hell still going to try.

I’d sell my kidney to just ride around in a tank with Vivienne Westwood, protesting the capitalist patriarchy.

That’s true but Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz wouldn’t be likely to keep it in their pants if someone pulled such a stunt with Obama.

Im not paying taxes either. Plus I can steal my neighbors XBox One because I dont have one and stealing isnt wrong in my eyes.

Ugh. They are perfect.

“When Michelle and I came into office....”

I have had my problems with Senator Gillibrand in the past, but I have never been more proud of her. Especially when my other representatives in Congress are those traitors of Schumer and Eliot Engel

Imma guess the Illuminati cut you off before you could finish

Ban all guns. Make them illegal to posses. Getting caught with one is an automatic jail sentence. This nonsense has gone on for too long. This amendment was authored by people who were okay with slavery. It does not, and should not, translate to 2015 America

27th August 1887, Rufflebum-on-Thames