@kylecpcs: "instead of your internet connection which you probably don't have if your cell reception sucks."
@kylecpcs: "instead of your internet connection which you probably don't have if your cell reception sucks."
@squishyalt: "How will the library stop people from copying books and putting them up on torrent sites? (I'll help you with that one - they can't.)"
@N.Senada: I just got an iPhone 4. I've had no problems with reception. If anything, reception is better on this phone than the 3g I replaced. It sucks that some people - a very vocal group, can't say if it's small or not - have problems with their phones but everyone I've talked to has no problems and is very happy.
Drugs must be awesome. How else could this guy be so delusional?
Dear Europe,
This graphic isn't entirely true. While state laws may be reflected, community laws are not. For instance, I know in NM you can buy fun fireworks, but you pretty much have to live on the native american reservations to legally use them. Cities tend to ban any of the good ones.
I guess having a lot of money doesn't mean you have a lot of sense. That's not quite my taste and I think as a child I would have run kicking and screaming from anything that looks like that. I hope the insides are more inviting.
"I am always looking for excuses to not brush my teeth" Oh my ewww! I'm sure you meant, "I'm always looking for ways to keep people from finding me attractive". Ewwww! No one wants to make out with last week's dinner.
@drmrw: Mike Hunt knows Mike Litoris well. I think they went to med school together or something.
I love Zappos! I had no idea they were bought by Amazon.
He could be our own Truman Show. Growing up, one static, grainy image at a time. All on Street View.
@uncle_jojo: Oh dear.
You can totally sidetalk on a Nokia, too!
@dhawk00002: Even the Bumpers are sold out. Online they don't ship for a few days. It seems Apple's done pretty well with this launch. You know, if you don't consider the yellow the screens, the reception problems, and the mixed up buttons.
@reas0n: Oh wow, it was me, too. Are we the same person? It's like fight club or something.
@rewards: G's up, hoes down.
@konfused: Good point. I am considering getting a droid/evo to replace my 3g rather than an iphone 4. In reality, though, I'll probably get another iphone and shell out for a case.
@Kit: Sounds reasonable, but if Apple wants this to become a standard eventually they'll have to find a way to divorce the phone number from the Facetime connection. I mean, in the future if I want to Facetime with someone who has an iPad or an iPod touch then how will Apple make that work? And when they build in…