The Right really has perfected the victim mentality. for all the vile, hateful things they say about their political opponents - most notably the Obama family - they cry foul the moment even the slightest rebuke is directed back at them.
The Right really has perfected the victim mentality. for all the vile, hateful things they say about their political opponents - most notably the Obama family - they cry foul the moment even the slightest rebuke is directed back at them.
It’s a wonderful case study in the divergent paths of wealth and privilege. Two men, comparable age, born into families of wealth and power who attained the highest levels of American society.
If you haven’t read it, read his book Decision Points. I was no fan of GWB’s Presidency, but I read that book and there is no denying that, whatever his faults, and no matter how flawed his judgement, the man acted in a manner that he genuinely felt was best.
A great piece of dialogue from the Newsroom, referencing the Tea Party, who’s brand of hard-right conservatism has completely taken over the GOP
My wife is already prepared to absolutely ugly cry in the theater.
He definitely was wounded a few times, but from what I’m seeing that, while Oberyn and the Snakes would poison their weapons prior to battle, since this was a sneak attack, they didn’t have time for that preparation.
Also, given the complete “head in the sand” position so many Republicans choose to take on climate change*, Obama likely new that, no matter how pro-America the Paris Accords might have finally been, it was DOA in a GOP Controlled Senate.
*Has anyone ever actually listened to Scott Pruitt speak about climate change? …
I took one Navy ROTC class in college and the jokes made by the Navy guys about the Marine option guys’ intelligence were frequent and brutal...
Instructor (A Navy Captain): “OK guys, #2 pencils for this test form. Marine Options, that’s the pointy Crayon...”
Ditto. Makes me wish I hadn’t dragged my feet on getting a credit card until my late 20s. Pay it off every month so I never accrue interest and I still reap the rewards.
I don’t think I’ve spent a dime of my own money at Amazon in something like 15 months.
Depends entirely what you’re going for. I’ve always had full setups, but set my parents up with soundbars. The soundbar is perfectly acceptable for what they are going for (improve the TV experience, stream Pandora, casual movie watching) but as I’m more interested in a full surround experience and cranking up the…
Depends entirely what you’re going for. I’ve always had full setups, but set my parents up with soundbars. The…
While your point is well taken, it bears pointing out that college coaches, while yes, technically, are employees of public institutions, they are not actually paid with tax revenues. Athletic departments by and large run independent of the Universities at large and don’t receive any public funding. The Alabama…
Request a price adjustment. Amazon has a 14-day price adjustment window.
Request a price adjustment. Amazon has a 14-day price adjustment window.
Sansa knew Rickon was a goner because she knew Ramsay. She withheld her knowledge of the Vale army because she needed Ramsay to make a mistake. She let Jon & Co charge in, potentially do their deaths, because she knew Ramsay couldn’t resist the urge to kill every last one of them. This is evidenced by him ordering…