Boardroom Artist

I was finishing my Fantasy Football draft (west coast) and got an alert from TheTracker app that it was available at Best Buy. It was the last thing I was expecting, but I was able to multitask and lock one in.

This piece is unfair to puppies.

You live in the Bay Area??

Thanks! The only caveat is they might think it’s a real gun. But other than that it’s foolproof.

I’m telling ya, if you gotta fight back against the racists, try an LSD Super Soaker.

Just what I want to spend my Sunday evening doing, arguing on Kinja with a Nazi Troll!

OK who invited the Klan in here?

I enjoyed it too, too bad it just led to another dumb internet argument.

B+ trolling, keep at it and you could go places, kid!

Golden Gate Bridge.

Nope, he could still lose a shoe, his glasses, a toaster, his coffee mug, etc.

Well not ‘literally’


You called someone an idiot on the internet over a tape measure.

You called someone an idiot on the internet over a tape measure.

I mostly agree, but they campaigned a ton in Pennsylvania and still lost there too.

That’s just an extra exciting reason for me to beat this level. I’ll get to prove a bunch of people wrong. If this isn’t an example of my stubbornness, then I don’t know what is. Perhaps most motivating of all however, is that I simply enjoy this journey.

For some reason this one makes me sadder than most of the other terrible things I hear every day.

Can you unshadowban me please? I promise I will stop trolling Samir.

Holy hell can you imagine how many people would have been murdered by a gun at NASCAR races if they allowed guns in? Or any sporting event, to be honest? Four figures, and that’s a conservative estimate.

Haha, you’re mad on the internet.