Boardroom Artist

Way to take a comment that was not about race and try to make it about race!

Seriously. That was pretty bad even for an internet comments section.

Your cousin seems pretty dumb, too. It’s clear that you don’t know how to find or analyze sources of information.

I watched SC for the first time all year this morning and saw the video feature. I thought it was very touching and well done. I like how he started the shelter for dogs in Ecuador; made it seem like it had a bigger impact then just one dog and a few people.

Maybe this is a joke about how drugs and medications sound so much like black people’s names? There are some whack drug names out there after all, who even knows who comes up with those??

LOL. Right, the Patriots should have known Hernandez had killed people because he smoked weed occasionally. Keep reaching there buddy. I’m beginning to think you’re not even a real chemist!

Is this really tanking or just blowing it up and starting over with different players? Tanking is much less effective in the NFL than the NBA because even if you have a #1 pick you’re not going to get one player who will single-handedly turn your franchise around.

The Patriots cut Hernandez, one of the best tight ends in the league, before he even went to trial (literally on the day he was arrested). Jerry Jones called Greg Hardy a leader of the team after he beat up his girlfriend and threw her on a bed of guns.

I didn’t even see the movie, it looked terrible.

I can make it out, but I can’t take you seriously, because you are getting SO MAD in the Deadspin comments section.

Regardless of all those people, you seem really mad on the internet, so any point you try to make will get lost in your angry typing.

Yeah, as a civilian (so obviously very removed from the situation), I gotta say that was super fucked up. Also, all the press and reporters saying it made him looked presidential. Fuck that.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment. I definitely understand when people are annoyed by Pats fans being so smug and obnoxious, etc. However I truly think that having an owner who refuses to allow women-beaters on his team is something to be proud of. As a sports fan that’s probably the only line I have, personally. If

True! Although we cut him as soon as the cops pulled up to his door. The Ravens, on the other hand, built a statue out of their murderer. Sort of surprised this Mixon headline wasn’t about Baltimore, to be honest.

Yeah I’m fine with letting men who abuse other men on my team.

So I brag about my team not allowing men who beat up women to play for them and your response is to (jokingly?) cheer for terrorists who murdered an 8 year old boy, among others. Look at what your blind Patriots hate has done to you.

We abused the Falcons pretty badly if that helps.

The Patriots won’t. They have a strict policy of not letting men who beat up women on their team.

This is funny even though I don’t get it.

Touche bro.