I love how Samer is Deadspin’s token Patriots fan that they trot out whenever they need to criticize the team. It’s like the “I have a black friend” strategy of sports prejudice.
I love how Samer is Deadspin’s token Patriots fan that they trot out whenever they need to criticize the team. It’s like the “I have a black friend” strategy of sports prejudice.
Whatever, he looks like just another guy from Marin County to me.
My guess is that soon we’ll have the ability to turn it on and off ourselves, or add whatever other information we’re interested in.
As a Red Sox fan, I’m really happy that social media wasn’t as big in 2004 as it is now. We knew Schilling was crazy then, but not nearly to this extent. It would have been horrible rooting for this guy if he were posting all this shit on his days off.
I am incredibly insulted by this.
“Anti seat-belt mom changes mind after kid flies through windshield”
Any idea how much it was originally?
Any idea how much it was originally?
I can’t wait until Gronk joins in. I think people’s heads would explode.
Swing and a miss.
God dammit is there anything you don’t hate??
As an incredibly obnoxious Patriots fan, I do appreciate a good self-effacing internet comment, so I’ll let it slide.
Serves you right for abandoning your New York teams like the rest of the bandwagon jumpers in this God-awful excuse for a fan-base.
I think it’d be a bad idea to pay Bautista. I agree EE seems like he’s Boston-bound too. It’s a fun division for sure!
I guess I’m not following. My point was that the Sox might have executed a text-book rebuild (that was wrapped around a championship) and Cherington didn’t get to stick around to see the fruits of his labor.
He should’ve stuck with the gorilla suit.
Sox fan here; when he was fired I was pretty happy. The roster last year was a disaster and almost every move he had made was terrible. Porcello had been signed to 20m+ / year without throwing a pitch and looked awful, Hanley was a malcontent, Panda was the worst position player in the AL, and no one liked what we got…
You ace every category of Bad Fandom: self-pity, racism, arrogance, whininess, racism, entitlement, paranoia, racism, defensiveness… all of it.
I’m all about Kaep doing whatever he feels is right and think it’s hilarious (although sadly expected) how hard people are melting about this.
This is exactly how I would behave. Only so no one tries to make me give it to a goddamn kid. Catch your own foul ball, punk.
What is the proper way to pronounce niche? It’s “NEESH” right? The guy on my local sports radio (I am nourished by his recent takes on Durant) keeps saying it like “NITCH” or even worse “NITCHEE”. He’s batshit crazy right?