It’s a smart move by him to roll this show out now while the major issues in his life are still topical.
It takes guts to write a column bashing one of the last remaining journalists in the western hemisphere. Get him! USA!!
And it turned out a couple of bangers in the process.
I think it’s a pretty big omission to leave out that she was being investigated for sexual misconduct with her own athletes -
The percentage of pop culture stories I stumble across with names I don’t recognize at all has really started to skyrocket since I became a parent. I was never exactly on the cutting edge of pop culture even when I was a teenager, and I got fuddier and duddier as I slipped into my twenties and early thirties, but I…
Hmm.. Let me get this straight. When an actress sleeps with the producer, which propels her career, earns her millions, all I hear: “It’s an abuse!!!”, feminists say. When a woman has to fuck any random dude for $150 - it’s just a “sex work”. It’s just a job. Nothing is wrong with it. Although when the client pays…
The breaks voice was the same voice as every single one of those shows “hey trump is an orange dumb dumb right?” which though true I need more substance at this point.
Gentrifier being code for ‘affluent white people’?
Yup. I’m also v tired of the “—of Jewish heritage—” shit casually thrown in there. Like, who gives a flying fuck about your heritage, not sure how it’s germane to possible sexual harassment, etc.
Believe it or not, people other than whites can be racist.
Just remember that racism = power + privilege and therefor it’s impossible that this was racism, right?
Nobody wants to remember what racism actual is (and how/who wields it). Just get close enough to bigotry so a white person can get their “I called a POC a racist” wings and most are happy.
Of all the conflicts you can center a movie on, “Oh no is my boyfriend too fucking rich?” is definitely the most relatable.
Wait, so you didn’t clue in when he lectured the boys about the overlapping train systems in the city and their incompatible tracks and switching systems?
Nick Mullen is both the Generalissimo of the DSA and the Clown Prince of the Alt-Right.
Black Magic Schoolbus is great (premium ep so here’s a link):
Though if you’re a Chapo guy, you’d probably like “CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT HILARY!!!” (their post-election episode)