
Only 23 stars in 45 minutes?! Burn this fucking trash blog to the ground and make a better one.

Who wants to fuck a goldfish?

Oh, come on, what’s going to happen to it? It’s on the island, it’s on an island in the middle of the ocean. It’s out in the ocean — you can’t just drive your trucks there from other states.

Progressive identity politics doesn’t rest on either of those things. Rather, it rests on the idea that marginalized groups of people should organize politically on the basis of their being marginalized *because* of their belonging to a minority group.

My previous comment was poorly worded, so I apologize for giving the impression that white people organizing around whiteness today are doing so because of progressive identity politics. Obviously, white people have been doing that here since the inception of this country, when our first immigration bill allowed

*Cough* The Root! *Cough Cough* Splinter! *Cough*

All great points. But what about the fact that unifying around diversity is simply more complicated (and therefore harder) than unifying around homogeneity? Today’s Republicans are a self-selecting group who want to defend the existing power structure - with rich, white, straight, christian men at the top. They’ve

Look how quickly Medicare for All becomes “Medicare for all unless you’re a felon, undocumented, and it doesn’t cover sexual health.”

These kind of universalist attitudes will be almost instantly pared down to only benefit a narrow class of people and then those left out will be told to celebrate because of unity.

The Right’s critique on identity politics is its all about what ever that identity is getting an advantage over others with affirmative action, or their ability to bash others as being oppressors. The natural reaction then is for Right wing white people is, me to. This is the Lebanese Confessional Society writ large.

I served from 2002-2011. I am mildly surprised by this. Yes, we had a few bad apples, but the majority of the ranks are very diverse. Over half my command was a minority. Either black, brown and a ton of south-east Asians. And this was a constant everywhere we went. We all worked together and I rarely, if ever, saw

The U.S. military is comprised today of a large number of families who serve generation after generation. While the service and sacrifice of these families over the years are undeniable, the extent to which fighting America’s wars has become a family business should give us pause.

The only thing I’ve ever killed were paper targets in basic training and some innocent spools of copper safety wire.

It doesn’t matter if it’s Salon, or Gawkmodo, the fact of the matter is that these types of headlines or now fully integrated into the left’s cultural zeitgeist.

Hell you’ll find similar headlines on almost all progressive outlets. But I guarantee you won’t find that type of headline on Conservative outlets. Because

I don’t think Sanders was saying that identity politics are invalid (vis a vis the question about how to get involved). Based on the quote, it appears that he’s saying identity politics aren’t enough: i.e. it’s not enough to just campaign as a woman, or as a POC.

The situation we are in is the logical outcome of progressive identity politics. Progressive identity politics rests on two basic assumptions: first, that minority groups should organize politically on the basis of their belonging to those minority groups; and second, that the majority has no right to do the same,

I often wonder what degree of wokeness liberal white people comfortably identify with. I imagine most recent college students come right in at level 3 and never adjust throughout their adult life.

“Republicans hate everything we stand for? Let’s see them win if we stand for nothing!”

The mainline Dems support rich people of all races, gender identities, and/or sexualities. Unless it polls bad in Ohio.

“Now our struggle is for genuine equality, which means economic equality. For we know now that it isn’t enough to integrate lunch counters. What does it profit a man to be able to eat at an integrated lunch counter if he doesn’t have enough money to buy a hamburger?”—MLK