
Another leftist solution is to plan for dormitory towns with fast transport to the main cities, AKA Netherlands style.

Urban sprawl is literally like the worst thing in the world. Its bad for the environment, its bad for a city’s tax base, its bad for our infrastructure, its bad for public health and its basically what caused a lot our issues with crime and segregation over the past few decades. White flight destroyed like half the

CA’s also got prop 13 so homeowners see very little tax increase from soaring housing prices.

A major part of his appeal is his belief (and actions) that the Bible supersedes the Constitution, Bill of Rights, etc. That’s what got him in trouble with putting a Ten Commandments monument in the Alabama courthouse.

Does that mean we can stop reading these forced articles all over kinja that I assume were paid for as some kind of viral marketing campaign?

Also, that TSwift song is awful... but so is Bodak Yellow.

Good for her, that is quite an achievement. Also, that TSwift song is awful... but so is Bodak Yellow.

for instance, First They Killed My Father, which has a female director, two female screenwriters (one of whom is a person of color) and an almost entirely POC cast, gets a C on gender and a D on race

What in the Hell did I just read? Even the Paul Fronczak story on it’s own is crazy. None of the stories on him even mention Taylor’s name as the culprit.

Wait, what? Do middle/upper middle/upper class white people not talk to poor white people like this where you’re from? I grew up in a hillbilly County in the northeast. All of the poor white people are spoken to/about exactly like this. Mostly for good reason, none of them can be bothered to do anything but drink/do

In actuality, black poverty is much more sympathetic and correlates very directly to a determined campaign by our governmental institutions to oppress black Americans for centuries—and it’s working exactly as it was designed to do. So, this country institutes a plan to warehouse people of color and hold them back

Exactly. I live in one of the whitest states in the nation, and people say this stuff about the white poor all the time. Instead of a “culture,” we refer to it as “intergenerational” poverty.

“Recognize my people!”

So what? He’s worth ~$50M. Plenty of women will view him as being 6'4", incredibly handsome, with a nine-incher to boot.

I thought he was six foot four and full of muscle.

First off, can i get out of these greys???? pwease??? im just a jalop, i know...

If Scout was black, the outrage would be: if only she was white.

I bet she’s working with this man: