
Or any Jezebel thread that gets cross-posted to the Root....

Fuck patriarchy, think of the paperwork you’ll be filling out for 18 years, says the pretentious mom that gave her kids two middles names.   It’s not just school paperwork, it’s medical forms, and passport applications. I wish I had thought about that instead of thinking about how clever I am or how I can make both

Please also keep in mind that, while you’re at home/work, and then later after you’re dead, your child will be burdened with this name through school and life. What’s adventurous and daring and iconoclastic to you today may become “Just call me Buddy” soon enough.

Problem may come later in life for the child. While I think people have the right to do their own thing, I think a persons ability to succeed in life is by not being a stand out and being part of the group. (Fraternities, Clubs, Groups) When parents give their children names outside the locally accepted they add

Name the kid . . . something, and see how it goes. For their eighteenth birthday, you can always offer to pay for a name change. I wish my parents had. I have an old lady first name (think Joyce or Muriel—so not a cool one that’s been resurrected and is now the moniker of a zillion toddlers) and a last name that

Firstly: “I answer questions in an attempt to assist the needy and school fools.” Um, do you want people to write to you with questions?

Fuck you for unwittingly starting the trend of naming kids “Wokebae.”

“When they are up and coming, they do what the white people do”

This shit is terrible. She raps with the flow a 7 year old has when trying to show their parents they can rap.

The NOI killed Malcolm X.

I’ve always considered the Nation of Islam and the 5 percenters to be engaging in orientalism. They aren’t really based on anything real from the Muslim world, just a mish mash of various beliefs that arose during a time when empowerment was needed and separation through religion was rising. The Nation of Islam is to

(Hollywood) Movies aren’t made for the majority of the world. Movies are made for the people who go to the movies/purchase Blu-rays.

I was more upset with casting the wrong people for the role. They got a handsome and well put together person to play L and a school shooter type to play Light/ Kira. Those two should be swapped, otherwise you miss half the point of the story

The Pope does a much better job trolling conservative Catholics than the American left does.

Washington wasn’t exactly typical for his time but Columbus’s treatment of the natives he encountered (and later governed under Spanish rule) was considered especially brutal. He was even imprisoned by the Spanish crown under accusations of “Tyranny” due to his use of torture and mutilation while governing Hispaniola.

Columbus is nice though. Good food scene and decent bars. It isn’t like you are stuck in Cleveland, Toledo, Akron, Dayton, Cinci, or god forbid Marietta.

World famous pirate and slaver, Christopher Columbus. Burn in hell. George Washington did save us from Hans Sprungfeld though...

Imagine praising Kesha instead of lamenting the lack of quality new music in general

Are those supposed to be good numbers? 89k sounds shitty for week 1 sales even now