
She was a bad candidate because she didn’t get enough of her own party to come out and vote for her in what was a very winnable election. At a time when young Democrats felt like the system was stacked against them, the Democrats offered up the ultimate connected insider candidate, who also tends to come across like a

Oh yeah. The noted bed-shitters at the DNC could TOTALLY handle that. Fuck me, they ran the most ancient, unlikable, biting horse in the stable to try and keep the fucking White House after 8 years of maybe the most (SUPER unfairly) hated president in all of American history. These assholes couldn’t get their dick in

THey’re adverse to it because doing what will fix things basically shuts off the spigot. They can’t fix what is wrong whislt taking money fromt eh entities that are causing the problem.

They just need to be dicks....for once and stay consistent. We have seen shades of it but never enough. Dont play nice. And I dont mean talk down to people. Just tell them the asshole they voted for is an asshole and here is why. He is fucking everything up royally and here is why. That is different than the election,

Hillary was unpopular long before she entered the race.

Because the Dumbocrats are just as much in bed with the ultra-rich plutocrats as the Republinazis are. Because they are every bit as addicted to money and privilege. They know they can’t offer solutions that really do any good for the lower and middle classes without alienating the Koch brothers and their ilk. They

Everything I’ve seen, as of late, shows that Democrats will lose 75% of their seats that are up in 2018, as voters discouraged by events will double-down on investing in a party that has a chance to change things - the Republicans. They don’t actually parse that the Republicans will change things to destroy them...

That, and a party that’s split between people who aren’t all that liberal and people who are liberal but not really interested in policy (being too busy with stuff that can’t get passed or is impossible to legislate).

I’ll do you one better - left populism WILL win

Studies show that both conservatives and “liberals”* overestimate the conservatism of the American electorate.

Not until the corporate-dems are run out of town on a rail. They still have a death grip on power in the DNC, which is directly responsible for Trump and the republican takeover at all levels of government.

Clicked this hoping to find her meltdown about Corbyn. Alas, Earwax!

Let’s take it a couple of steps further! We have never known a peaceful America. US adults are used to a militaristic America where our military must flex its muscles at least every decade or so (if not constantly.) Yet, these wars rarely affect the daily lives of most Americans, so we stand proud with our greatest

(sigh) Bernie would have won.

I think I found Univision Communications Inc.’s page on

As much as we want to get bent out of shape over Underground getting canceled, especially in light of the fact that WGN was bought but the ultra-conservative Sinclair, it must be noted that they’ve now effectively cancelled all their (scripted) shows, because they want to get into super-cheap shows and reruns.

From what I heard, “The Real O’Neals” wasn’t renewed in part because the main character became extremely difficult to work with and was overly demanding.

It’s interesting to see Evangelicalism co-opt the words of consumption to push a religion that’s about nonmaterial community living and rejecting the kind of vanity being flaunted by these very well-dressed, well-coiffed Instagrammable pastors.

I do six years in USN navy. I was stationed on aircraft carrier on east coast. We never get to do Fleet Week in NYC because nuke boats not invited.

Some of my best Navy experiences were fleet week in San Fran and Seattle.