
India has a ton of products ranging from laundry detergent to skin bleachers, to look more white (British/American). You have to remember the lasting effects of the 300+ years of the British Raj. By having Kendall Jenner on the cover of Vogue India, it’s catering to the demographic. Not every Indian is going to like

A much more heartfelt fuck you to everyone who voted or caucused for her in the primary and everyone who was in positions of power during her campaign. Literally anyone else running on a Democratic ticket would have beaten him and even she would have beaten him if her campaign wasn’t blindly following the instructions

I’m genuinely not sure which is worse, palling around with Glenn Beck or palling around with Lena Dunham.

she’s literally talking about the freedom of being seperated from her smart phone, not how great rikers is.

It’s only fitting that the interview was conducted by Lena Dunham. I wish she and Sam Bee would just go away.

I’m guessing he finds at least one ignorant woman who actually swallows this bullshit to fuck him at each one of these? It’s the only reason to be spouting this kind of counterfeit feminist/social justice warrior horseshit. The only guys you find doing this are either rapists or men who have discovered that it

As someone that has used their antiperspirant for years, I’ve never cared for axe’s ads and don’t now. It just happens to be the most effective antiperspirant I’ve yet found and i initally tried it cause I had a coupon.

I was getting deodorant and soap, there were these black cans of “deodorant body spray” next to them. I sprayed a couple and one of them was pretty good so I got it and the matching soap. There was no marketing involved beyond it being black and next to the degree. I figured it was something that I could use after

I buy their hair products, but I don’t watch TV with commercials so I haven’t seen or heard an AXE commercial in years. They just smell good and the bottles look very nice.

he really wants you to know that he, as a straight cis white man, takes no ownership over the ideas he’s citing.

Sounds like this guy would PC Principal a run for his money in a game of Progressive Buzzword Bingo.

Its slang. Slang is usually a hip/streetwise version of a common word. Usually used by young people. Just like any hip words they come and go.

Nice article. I read Jacobs’ The Economy of Cities a few years back and was immediately struck by the same habits of mind you describe in this piece. Jacobs was very strong on the advantages of certain kinds of urban living, and she understood how cities are great producers & aggregators of ideas and wealth. But when

Man, this is spot on.

Well said, Hamno. A lot of this has to come from Democrats themselves, since they are the only party at least superficially interested in improving the lot of these people. Of course it doesn’t help that we have people like Diane-fucking-Feinstein who are against single payer healthcare or Cory Booker who is against

Easier to just blame Bernie for spoiling the race even though there is no objective proof of this whatsoever.

Tell him that you are going to help him get a union job that pays a living wage and decent and affordable health care and education for his kids and that you are willing to take on the very rich to make these things happen even though they will put up great opposition.

A lot of their problems are, frankly, just not fixable. Not for this generation. You’re not going to retrain a middle-aged coal miner to become a computer programmer.

The problem with your wild stereotyping is that you don’t even know the problem. I mentioned elsewhere that MN farmers faced the worst economy in 20 years and the democrats ignored them. In October, the Star Tribune reported that banks - including Wells Fargo - were forcing farmers to place more collateral up on