
While I do not understand what style “Lucky Blue Smith” has, I do admire the fact that it has somehow manifested a more androgynous form than Tilda Swinton. That alone is worthy of notice.

Aziz looks like he is practicing for a role playing Joe Torre in a Yankees mini-series.

Though I try not to get too salty about cultural appropriation—most of these issues are intellectually murkier than the Outrage Machine would have us believe

What, GQ’s writers can’t make the list?

He’s right, and maybe NBC should not just reconsider their schedule, but invest in their own broadcast crews for every series.

The Oilers are moving into a new arena in Edmonton next season.

In 40 years of watching sports, there were only 2 games that I thought were more or less “fixed,” in that the refs were doing everything they could to favor one team over the other, the Lakers v Kings, to get the series to a Game 7 (where the FTs were 27/33 LAL v 16/30 Kings, so fairly even), and the Duke v. UNLV

This is a great conspiracy theory because it simultaneously asks you to believe the NHL is crafty enough to rig their lottery but stupid enough to think that making the Oilers really good as opposed to, say, the Leafs is good for business.

You’re on the wrong website if you think you’re going to get some random St. Louis love.

“Hey, my brother’s gayyyyyyyyy.”

You forgot the LGB&T community. (Let’s go Blues and Tarasenko).

Both tweets relevant.

Three of the six worst people in hockey play for the Blackhawks.

I’m highly surprised either one of those didn’t earn him a 10min misconduct.

I see Kane is teaching him the ways of the douchebag quite well

This is the same league that had their officials somehow give the Blackhawks a power-play on a skirmish that was started when Corey Crawford ran after a Blues player.

“but given the visibility of Shaw’s meltdown, he might get a more severe penalty.”

Once again proving how misguided Prince is for always trying to remove every trace of himself or his performances from the internet.