
You do realize that people from Ferguson, including protesters in Ferguson, are by and large Cardinals fans, right? An accurate headline for the post-game clash last night would have been "Asshole Cardinal Fans Antagonize Protesting Non-Asshole Cardinal Fans."

My reply:

"I get not liking the chicken, particularly as it's meant to be the star of the show, but the pretentious anti-racism? Come on. That's just over-compensating. As a person of color, I don't view every chicken shack, bourgeois or not, as an affront to racial relations in America.

I gazed out on where Nigga Jim and Guy Montag stood burning — not books, but a thin, tightly rolled marihuana cigarette. Although I couldn't make out their words, it all became clear when Lennie walked up bearing the unconscious body of the landowner's wife. I yelled out to Lennie "Where did you catch her?"

Patrick - you are from Texas. Is it any suprise that parents of HP kids don't want them exposed to litature that portrays thier tax base as uncaring? It would be a very uncomfortable dinner conversation...."daddy...why do you not pay your employees a living wage?"

You do that, you go to the box, you know. Two minutes, by yourself, you know, and you feel shame, you know. And then you get free.


omg an article about a rich kid whose hedge fund dad got him a job with the jets? TELLMEMORE.JPG

Fuck this guy. As far as I'm concerned, there is no Israel; there is only Zionist-occupied Palestine.

People opposed and sought to prevent games involving South Africa's rugby team during the Apartheid era. How is this any different?

It's amazing the Haifa team didn't shoot the children before confronting the protesters.

I can't help but instantly think of Hot Fuzz...

"Wainwright started Jeter off with a four-seamer, too low to do anything with. Then he offered up a meatball"

That thar is awfully purty. But not as purty as Oscar Taveras swingin' in the rain.

Craggs: "You need to write a post about how the NCAA is like an antebellum plantation or the horror of concussions in the NFL. Which one do you pick?"

dearest good friend:

First of all, bunch of whiners and complainers here in the comments. If you haven't seen a race yet, why the fuck are you on the internet? God forbid that Michael Ballaban does his job and reports on the winner of only the most important race in North America in a timely manner. When you logged onto the website,

Sterling's next excuse: He fell victim to the Foreigner belt. He's just a Dirty White Boy.

Best Batmobile ever.

He hit the post but counted it as a goal because Vladimir Putin does not care for borders.