don’t forget Danica McKellar, who can (and does--as I’m one of them) draw in male viewers because they still carry a torch for Winnie Cooper!
this is where I get to repost the best review of The Handmaid’s Tale, right?
Cum Town.
You’re not talking about the guy from Swingers, are you?
Cum Town.
First the bikes took over my hometown of St Louis. Then it was the scooters. What’s next, those hoverboard thingies that were all the rage a couple years ago?
the current Dems basically want to be a party of Good Coastal Whites and assume that all minorities will vote for them because, as one of their floated bumper stickers said, “have you seen the other guys?”
You missed the nightie scene. You know what I’m talking about.
Let’s just say that...certain parts...of this film were crucial to my teenage development and leave it at that.
Ike with the Juul almost over-took his puberty phase as one of the funniest Ike moments. Almost.
still not the best South Park song, as that’ll either be Let’s Fighting Love
i’ll watch only if half the show is a Reno 911! reunion, and she brings back the Dept. Williams butt.
Not gonna lie, whatever it is about Laura Fraser as Lydia Rodarte-Quayle is, shall we say, engaging.
I will not stand for this erasure of Wide Dick Willy Menaker.
(In honor of Justice Ginsburg’s hiring practices and views on Kaep, black people will not win this.)
That clip hit me right in the squeedlyspooch.
Knowing Me, Alan Partridge; Knowing You, Bart Fargo...a-har.
when Mr Regular went to NZ, he reviewed an ‘06 Century. He said that it might have been one of the best cars he’s ever driven.