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Remember when he interviewed Bobby Bittman?

what a lot of people ignore is that while the Southern Dem parties are, yes, largely PoC dominated, they’ve also built up some large machine-style politics based around long-time leaders like Clyburn or Lewis. Hillz, being a machine pol herself, got these people onside early, thus giving herself what the Indians call

this far and not mentioning Enter The Void? shame on you.

just look at what they’re trying to do to Jeremy Corbyn over in the UK.

Now playing

while I love Butterick Cole and Cathy the secretary, my favorite Scott Thompson bit has to be HM The Queen:


High Hill? You guys shoulda held out for Kingdom City.

great, just what we needed, the NFL and SEC’s stupid bag rules filtering down to other facets of life

hell yeah dude

Sadly, this will not happen because the current critical group has a Discourse to protect, and right now this is the Discourse. (Well, that and endless “_____ In The Age Of Trump” pieces.)

Access journalism.

Ace Hardware is still a co-op, too.

Just remember your idol: Beeeellll Beeeeeelicheeeeck.

great to see HamNo the Boxing Writer back, and doing as great as he always does.

would you say that his delivery has become dangerous and untenable?

Many Saints? CHRIS-TUH-FUH!

the bigwigs at the NYT and oped page all are getting paid quite well, and they all have a safety-valve of going off to Israel that the vast majority of us don’t have. they know exactly what they’re doing and DO NOT CARE.

NYT/WaPo editorial boards have all the political spectrums covered: you have your choice of centrist pro-Israel technocrats, to rightist pro-Israel technocrats!

Temer, Macri, Bolsonaro...

Holy fucking shit, you fucking gusano. You wanna ignore all the good Correa/Morales/Chavez/Castro did for their countries? Go masturbate to your Pinochet portrait.