My thoughts exactly!
My thoughts exactly!
Honestly the reason Northam will likely lose isn’t because of Gillespie playing the “Trump but civil” game, but ol’ Ralphie shooting himself in the foot, repeatedly and unnecessarily.
How do you know prime Simpsons was so great? Because they nailed the nasal breathing Keillor did all the time.
At least one of Click and Clack died so no-one can come after them.
The only good thing that can come out of this is another Lavar Ball vs Stephen A. Smith argument, and by extension Dan Le Batard watching/commentating on it.
This once again just proves that the Cubs are the truest evil, no matter what Deadspin says.
My personal favorite part of it are his repeated exhortations to just pop on down to the White House
How about, instead of this re-heated crap, we look at an actually great political impression: that, of course, being James Adomian as GOOOOOOORRRRRRKKKAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!
The only people that do all write for major publications (seriously, the Gruniad has a nightly “late night In The Age Of Trump” round-up) and also believe that these people are all leaders of the #resistance, despite their takes being fairly uniformly lukewarm, Ivy League or Ivy-adjacent, neoliberal blather about…
It’s a Ryan Murphy show, so it’ll be good for about 6 or so episodes (enough to get sizable critical buzz and at least four Major Thinkpieces about what it means In The Age Of Trump®)before going totally, utterly whacko. Also he’ll end up having the sons/daughters/other relations of famous people from his youth show…
Likely numbnuts up there got ungrayed because they were in the black on other sites (they mentioned being big on The Root). And they can get banned wherever they please but stay in the black elsewhere—I should know, I got shadow banned from DS but I’m still good here and at Jalop.
It’s the Little Things, you see.
I demand more Classic Ad Watch! It’s what brought me to Jalopnik in the first place ten years ago!
I still want to re-enact the Toni Schumacher/Patrick Battiston incident from the ‘82 World Cup on Matt McGorry. And if you’re curious, I’m a goalkeeper.
$10 says that this is because a lot of its editorial stars (Bret Stephens, Bari Weiss, et al) are shitty at Twitter and thus they want to drag everyone down to their levels.
the only good late night shows were David Letterman and Craig Ferguson, and now that Dave has retired, grown a lumberjack beard and runs his IndyCar team/the American Foundation for Courtesy and Grooming and Craigy got replaced by James Corden they all suck equally for slightly different reasons.
They don’t have much men’s stuff at F21, but at H&M (which DOES have a substantial men’s department) I regularly have to go up two waist sizes in their pants because years of playing hockey put muscles on my lower body, and apparently they design their pants for people with pipe-cleaners for legs. Other places I shop…
Welcome to Costco. I love you.
Ah, The Root, the site that proves that keeping it Woke can indeed go very, very wrong.