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    This sounds good, but who wants to buy a Chrysler?

    Beats going through the multilevel address book. Nice addition.

    Why would I want to see a ripped shirtless guy on my iPod?

    This sure beats my Numbers spreadsheet holding all my information.

    Great addition. How about single sign-on for all Gawker sites so we don't have to log into each one separately.

    I have gotten the same response from my boss...If I let you do it, everyone else will want to. The other excuse is that we "need" to be close to the customer. The truth is that the customer wants to be able to micromanage us. The sad truth is that this saves both the customer and the employer a lot of cash.

    No Hasselhoff, No Trans Am, No Knight Rider. Hollywood, please leave well enough alone. Come up with something original. Old shows do not need to be remade.

    This site is good in concept, but it is totally incomplete. it doesn't even have all of the Gold's gyms in my area. The site is coded all ghetto too. Some gyms have links for a free day pass, while others have google ad sense ads. WTF?


    Folger's Crystals Baby!

    Jerry Seinfeld constantly pumps out better and better jokes?


    One question: If someone is ransacking your house looking for valuables and they come across a hard drive sitting around (possibly containing names, addresses, social security numbers), wouldn't they just take that too?

    I sure am glad I pissed away all that money.

    By people I meant non-business people. I don't know too many businesses that allow their employees to back up the corporate email onto a GMail account. I too work in the real world and am forced to use Outlook; however, I have not used Outlook for my personal email client for a very long time.