
Just because purchase price is relatively low, I don't think any of these (except possibly the Lotus) will be anything approaching cheap to maintain.

The current Civic Si is definitely a coupe. I think it gets stuck into hot hatch comparisons since it's still competing in mostly the same market.

I sat in it at the Washington Auto Show this past weekend, and if it performs like it should, I'm getting one. It's the car I've been waiting years for.

Does the manufacturer still support it? If so, then no.

Nice trolling bro.

On the other hand, it could be incredibly useful should you lock your keys in your car.

Having used WP7 for a few days, it's actually really nice it's just missing a lot of the ecosystem of its competitors, and still feels like it's another major update away from being really great.

That would be great! Problem is that it's Hollywood, so it will likely show how Turing was totally shooting the fuck out of Nazis while breaking Enigma.

You're missing the fact that there's literally no reason you should have to pay anything for text messaging. *Especially* if you have a data plan.

Not sure where you're getting thinner than an iPhone 4 from. Apple's website says it's 9.3 mm thick. Not that anyone is going to notice 0.6 mm.

The problem is this sort of thing only works if you assume a bunch of solo travelers. Families are NOT going to split up from their kids just to speed up boarding. Another article I read indicated that random boarding actually ends up working best.

I think anyone who suggests Linux doesn't matter is insane. Conversely, I think anyone who suggests Linux on the desktop does matter is insane.

I like how Toyota and Subaru's designs are converging.

Not YOU. I'm saying that within 24 hours of it coming out, I started seeing people decrying patent trolls all over the internet. It's hardly a new topic, and nothing on the episode was anything particularly new to anyone who pays even a small amount of attention to the subject. (I did listen to it, if it's not

I like how as soon as this came out, everyone decided they were experts in patent law.

Worst? While I don't have any specific examples, I can't help but think that's not bad at all. It's ugly, sure, but it's a paint job and some wheels away from being pretty much normal. It's not like they hacked everything up.

"When you buy a tablet you're not just buying the hardware. You're buying the promise of what that hardware can do for you. You're buying access to present and future apps, to modifications and improvements and an entire platform's ecosystem."

No idea. But at 20 Mbps (and a quick search suggested AT&T is closer to 30), it would only take a half hour to hit 5GB. For a real-world idea, that could just be watching Netflix.

Awesome! At full current LTE speed I can hit the cap in just over a half hour! How awesome!

And yet T-Mobile performed nearly as well as Verizon except on the test.