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Well professional decorum varies wildly based on where and with whom you work, but yeah fair enough. Case in point; "she" in that example was based off an actual person I worked with, and she wasn't fishing for sexually-charged comments exactly (There is a rather sharp line between "looking good today *name*." and

I'm not disagreeing with your intention, just your phrasing, you're proposing that Y should always do X when Z because *personal reason*.

You're projecting your own desires on other women and pretending there's a Platonic workspace everything else mimics. Be careful with that, going "This is never the case." when "This can often be the case." is correct makes it easy for assholes to point out the exceptions then discard your point entirely.

What on earth do you think your teeth and that sack of acid called a stomach do to your food? It being pre-pulped makes that step somewhat easier sure, but by time a whole peanut makes it to your intestines (where the actual absorption part happens) it's not only pulped, but broken down way more the peanut butter is.

"Mechanical processing can alter food almost as much as additives."

People get mad (or at least I do) because that's not the promoted reasoning. Instead we get:

Tubers are mostly starch, which is sugar; Veggies are low cal, but what there is comes from sugar and starch ditto fruit. Meat is protein, ditto eggs, doesn't immediately go to sugar, but your body can only process so much of it so fast and if you exceed that (Which is really easy to do, roughly 0.8 g/Kg in 24 hours.

Pretty meaningless without some numbers. How does the raw numbers compare to males, and to the country in general? How does it compare to population of the area? If most of those counties are low population then a 43% increase means an awful lot less. Stats from the NLAES and NESARC in the early 90s and early 2000s respectively, I'm sure you can track down the studies themselves fairly easily if you'd like and there's more recent info somewhere in here

Or you know, it's a consequence of the alcoholism rate amongst women steadily increasing since the mid sixties, and substance abuse putting a rather serious strain on relationships?

Ah. Fair enough then. The sorta-point remains though; unless you go to the slightly OCD extent of randomly assigning gender guesses or something, you're guaranteed to end up with some biases when given certain info.

Speaking as someone who's spent a stupid amount of time getting it through heads that "Yes you're a girl, no that does not mean you can not do math, no you do not become less of a woman if you actually try." throughout high school and after, successful and attractive female scientists/engineers/etc can be absurdly

That's as much a language thing as a "raised in the patriarchy" thing, probably more so There's no good general neutral singular in English (Well there's "they" but that gets the Grammar Nazis all riled up, because apparently they're better then Dickens, Eliot, Byron...) and the alternate are unwieldy (she/he, him