
Um what? Hitting another person repeatedly in the head is not a ‘teenager acting like a teenager.’

I know you guys are desperately trying to paint anyone who dares critize the all mighty Melissa McArthy the Queen of comedy as a woman hating Mra but this movie looks like shit.

“I get it though, you are some evolution biologist idiot. Gotta love a fucking moron.”

Allow me to explain:

This craze for equality among sports has reached a plateau of ridiculousness. Women are certainly capable, but you cannot deny that biologically there are certain physical or mental practices/sports that men are more adept at, and the same goes vice versa. As Andretti says, women will have to just prove it, but they

This doesn´t make sense. Soccer players don´t make their money off their national teams but of their clubs. They get bonuses to play but they make their living of their club wages. You are almost arguing about why do the US rugby team players have to work other jobs and not make a living off rugby. Australian players

Someone please explain why this logic, from Forbes, is wrong:

According to a segment on Jon Oliver’s show (I think) the women’s team brought in way more revenue last year, but in the past the men’s team brought in more.

Fuck the point! I’m a rocket man! ROCKET MAAAAAAAAAN!

Oh no, fake people died!

Did it ever occur to you, that the employment at tech companies is pretty much what the market offers at the moment? Has anyone ever complained about the imbalance at hard labor jobs (coal miners, waste collectors, truck drivers, construction workers etc.). Without doing a google search, I guesstimate it at about 95%

Is there a point to this?

Because forcing people to do things is a real liberal idea?

So you seriously believe that literally the only reason men rape is because they hate women?

Clearly that black girl is unable to stand on her own two feet without the stabilization provided by white feminists?

Not pictured: the Gap Kids ad from just a few years ago wherein a black model was using a white model as an armrest in almost the exact same pose.

Except I’m not lying, nor trolling. Believe whateve you want, it’s clear as day that trying to argue rationally with you is as useful as talking to a wall.

Actually, I’m kind of stunned that Nintendo took THIS long to fire her. Kotaku conveniently left out that Allison Rapp, who worked on Nintendo’s MARKETING team, had very radical ideas regarding underage sex and child molesters and child porn. No, I’m not talking about her essay mentioned on this article, but multiple

You mean after she was caught harassing people who were mad about the censorship? You don’t get to harass and then complain that you’re catching shit for it.

Guilty of being in the next photo that came up in a generic image search.