
If you would like to ask a real live brony a real question, I'm here. I think you'll be disappointed by how normal I am, but ... fire away.

From my magical store, and I only made 96 of them. Cost about 350, sold them all at cost for fun. Here's what they look like: []

I admit to lol-ing.

Someone in Scotland actually ordered a few of my MLP pint glasses.

Every time I read a comment about how much someone hates bronies, I wish we could sit down and talk about it instead of issuing sweeping generalizations devoid of perspective. Do we need to do a fucking AMA?

While I do not collect the toys, I do have some fantastic barware I custom-ordered. I also have a shirt that I'll wear to work on occasion and, hoo hoo, nobody there gives a damn because they know who I am. I like my coworkers, and people who bother to get to know me before making snap judgements based on their own

Sorry for the rudeness, but I take personal offense to being called a sex offender when you know FUCK ALL about me.

His voice ... is so amazing.

You know what, fuck it.

How many times a month do these dumb bastards need to buy new tires?

Awesome, retarded. Same difference.

Three hours every day? God. Fucking. Dammit. What a WASTE.

It is, after all, an opinion ..

That's ... all you know if Neil DeGrasse Tyson? As a meme and a Colbert Show appearance? ...

I agree with this. That is my favorite drawing of the set showed. Great movement, great lines. Love it.

Mine! Charcoal sketch of a webcam picture of myself, which I then ... took a picture of AKA scanned.

Thank you for not being the only one.

Fancy fancy. Old Crow is my current whiskey of choice, due largely to the price, but surprisingly drinkable for a $9 bourbon. You can even taste vanilla on the finish. Certainly a step above Canadian Mist for the cheap alcoholic.

Whenever there's a rumor about layoffs, and the company steps up to say, NO, THIS ISN'T TRUE, the layoffs are happening.

Fad, you say? Tell us how you really feel.