The ones you called excellent for the most part were just characters in front of the thing.
The ones you called excellent for the most part were just characters in front of the thing.
It was a great contest congrats to the winner.
You did do that...
Are you a force ghost now?
The snap had the reverse effect on you!
Haha this is why it pays to look before you post!!!
Thanks!! I do need the occasional help with my captions now that cecil_banon died on his way back to his home planet.
Where’s the happy little bush??
Hahah I’m here to help!!!...and win...mainly win though. Also as other will tell you I’m ok with a 49%- 51% split!
Now if I can get everyone to take this approach I should be able to win again!
Congrats negascott on the win and to all the honorable mentions
This is fantastic! That and your avatar is worth a star alone!